• Your words are ice
    He is the ship, lost and alone,
    on your icebergs.
    Did you think he would be safe?
    navigate through your ice floes.
    Did you think your pinnacles of shame and disgust wouldn't harm him?
    Well they did.
    He's sinking, and you don't seem to care.
    Your lack of mercy frightens me
    And it's not as though you haven't speared me too
    and laughed as I bled
    wounded by your wicked words.
    Why do you think I won't return fire?
    All my marks are set on you
    I merely have to give the order
    Don't you realize what you've done?
    Your "friends" were just like him
    Ships traveling the world
    But you attacked, when all was calm
    And they've sunk. Just like he will.
    You wonder why no one give you the time of day
    Why no one will see your bloody spears and call it beauty
    Because you have never been beautiful.
    Darkness is not beautiful. Neither is pain.
    And now he sinks, and you watch with no second thought.
    So you will be alone now.

    You and your daggers of ice.