• "Don't Stop"

    I plea

    "Don't leave"

    I cry

    "Why do you hate me?"

    I ask

    "Is it because I love you?"

    I scream

    "We're friends,"

    I conclude

    "I know this,"

    I tell you

    "That doesn't mean we can't be more,"

    I bargain

    "Why can't you love me?"

    I question

    "Is it because of me?"

    I reason

    "What are you afraid of?"

    I blame

    "Please get close to me,"

    I request

    "I don't hate you,"

    I whisper

    "I don't blame you,"

    I promise

    "I love you,"

    I confess

    "I'm sorry you don't love me,"

    I apologize

    "I'm sorry you hate me,"

    I concur

    "I'm sorry I caused this,"

    I admit

    "Would you ever love me?"

    I wonder.