• One I thought was a friend apparently thinks not the same of me,
    So the end is had and it is time to leave.

    It's the end of a period of time we had,
    I try to thank God and not be sad.

    The times were at least mostly good,
    Though I feel as if I've had a hood.

    It kept me blinded from what was real,
    And allowed me to think it was truly real.

    So once more I stand before God and lift up to him my prayers,
    Because I know about me He truly cares.

    Our own choices He allows us to make,
    At least the consequences are not fake.

    Good, bad, ugly are the choice results,
    As we wind our way through the tumult.

    I once had a friend who thought not the same of me,
    The end is had and it's time to leave.

    Good-bye friend.