• Shaking off the noise that confused my heart, I started to run.
    I’m not free of sins;
    I spot a light.
    Feelings flow through my body
    All varying degrees of color.
    I wont let the scenario that Fate set up,
    Make any decisions for me.

    Burdened by that phony cross
    I’m tied to,
    I’m heading towards a world full of boundless freedom.

    A melancholy melody
    Settles over the city.
    Embracing a wound that wont heal,
    Everyone cries.
    There is a powerful, greedy reflection of desire in everyone’s eyes.
    Giving over neither hand nor foot;
    The tearing of my bonds,
    Was written in the stars.
    An empty cradle sways with no purpose.

    I was innocent, once.
    A phantom of a far away time.
    In a day that appears to be silent,
    Within a passing dream,
    A gentle caress.

    The frightened look in your eyes,
    Is a dirtied, unknown jewel.
    A painful fever is running through my body,
    And is stabbing me in the chest.
    Why in the world would you take up such pain for my sake?
    I’m searching for someone more beautiful and honest than any promise.

    Supposing the end comes someday, I’ll fight this pointless dispute foolishly.
    Give up this body
    Along with your life.
    The moonlight is guiding me to a world full of boundless freedom