• everyone is to feel alive
    waiting, not hoping, to take a dive
    flying, soaring can turn forever boring
    nothing here is set in stone
    do not live aimlessly inside your home
    dont just survive
    everyone only lives until they die
    death is but a relief from all troubles
    so do not be afraid
    you never know when its coming
    sometimes you dont know it came
    it is useless to try to resist it
    it is stupid to embrace it
    it comes as it wants
    it comes when it wants
    it comes at the correct time
    a set time
    and never take life too seriously
    no one makes it out alive
    but take it serious enough
    for it is a privelage
    one that some...
    never get to properly enjoy
    death comes swiftly to take life.
    enjoy it as you will