• Sometimes the asperities of life tends to rip through the soul.

    It cuts and tears until there's a blackhole.

    Leaving nothing in its path.

    No sign of joy, no facial expression of a laugh.

    No sight of a smile, no vision of surprise

    Nor happiness, nor sparkle in the eyes.

    It tends to make an individual in humane.

    It drives a mentally healthy person insane.

    It tends to p***k at the unbroken heart.

    To start a mammoth fire with just a small spark.

    Who knows where it begin

    Or even the conclusive fact when will it end.

    Its a disease that you can't hide.

    Why because it starts to develop from the inside.

    With nothing else to do she begins to cry.

    She wept until her tears ran dry.

    Mourning in slience, still as if she was about to die.

    Depression is the disease that refuses to put her mind at ease.

    It covers her body like a blanket in the cold.

    It grips and grabs it swathe and wraps

    It evelope and swallows her whole.

    Life is the reason. Stress is the spark.

    Emptiness starts depression.

    And depression kills the heart.

    Where there is no heart there is no love.

    And where there is no love you can never find joy.

    No joy no happiness. Sorrow takes its place.

    The person you once knew, now has an unrecognizable face.