• I dream of you and wake up to kissing noises every night
    I look around checking but nothing in sight
    Just when I thought it was nothing
    I wake up to the same noises again

    You are always in my dreams
    Who are you stranger
    I cannot see your face
    How could I if your face is so dark in this place

    So familiar yet unable to see with my eyes
    The names on the tip of my tongue
    Cannot get it out
    Speak now my lips

    So comforting scent and warmness
    Your body against mine
    Your eyes staring into mine
    These lips oh so familiar to me
    I think I am going to pass out

    Wake up! Wake up!

    My love, you over slept again

    Sorry amour, it is so much fun dreaming of my "husband"

    But we're not married..hey...are you trying to make me jealous? Who were you dreaming of? Me?

    (I stared at him and winked) Yeah right. What makes you thinkI would dream of you! gross..


    He tackled me down and we laughed so much, we got out of breath and fell asleep in each others arms.

    Before I feel asleep, I kissed his gentle sleeping lips and whispered "See you and my dreams again my handsome stranger of my dreams".