• What is love
    By blaqcinnamon-love

    What is love must i ask i never knew what is was in the
    past and i will never se it in the past i know that bcause
    becuase ill be dead by then they may cut of mii head
    or just choke me in bed o der o der what have i here is
    it love or just ust is it just one big rush to get from here to
    there im from here your from there our parents wont be happy
    becuase were to young is it me is it me o what can hear is it love
    no its not its just some thing i fear i wish that mii dear old days
    of grey would just go away just fly away just for today
    or tomorrow or the next day are you here are you here
    mii dear mii dear is that you thats next to me i love you
    you love me i thinks thats what its supposed to be i need
    i love you but is there something you dont understand
    is that im with another man ohh dear ohh dear its a stranger
    mii dear old man would not be proud of me is this a dream
    or something real i know you and you know me we shall stay togther
    you may not be here but i will have you in mii hearrt mii dear just fly
    away away away till the next day just i love you dear i will be there
    you here i will see you or just you are still here

    heart heart