• this world is twisted with its way of war violence running wild on the streets with no one to stop it. the world should end and not have to suffer anymore than it already has it has seen the violence of murder for drugs or money from peoples greed. the worlds seen peaceful times of happiness and kids playing in the yard but in the blink of an eye gone... insted of beautiful green grass thw world faces plain grey buildings the only color left is the red of blood. all anyone dose in this world is fight and complain but dont realize they put this on them selves. money is key now money wasent an object before not people are killing each other for it. people just leave the familys of the dead and dont care they dont realize how fradgile a life is and how quick it can go... they dont realize that one bullet to the head could be the devastation of many. bodys cover the streets and the souls of the forgoten lay untouched unnoticed uncared for. life may seem to last forever but that can change instantly with one pull of a trigger and that could be your life.....