• Deep within my soul lies an evil that will awaken
    Bringing chaos to this world
    Letting it fall at it's mercy
    Spilling innocent blood
    Destroying all that come to challenge it
    Spreading fire across the earth
    Turning it into a hell like no other
    Seeping into every crack like poison
    Killing the body from the inside out
    Until finally there's nothing left
    As time passes this world becomes nothing but a wasteland
    The dead lying on the ground covered in blood
    An endless battlefield of corpses
    Tree's nothing but smoking black ashes
    The lush green grass no longer exist
    A sky covered in fire
    Burning and burning
    The sun has turned black
    No longer bringing warmth
    Instead it burns a black fire as cold as ice
    This world is nothing but a wasteland
    Infected with evil and carnage
    This is the hell it has become