• This mirror shows a reflection of myself.
    In my room
    Sitting at my computer
    Late at night
    Next it shows me where I want to be,
    Laying in a meadow of flowers of diffrent colors
    The blue endless sky above me
    The sun shining
    Without a care in the world
    Then, it shows me that it cannot be real
    All the flowers turn red, like a sea of blood
    The sky dims to a dark blue, showing the nights about to begin
    The sun turns to a moon
    And everything turns black
    As this dream about my magic mirror ends,
    And I'm jarred back to my life.
    I daydream about when my magic mirror will return
    And how i can return to my meadow
    The meadow of flowers of diffrent colors
    The blue endless sky
    The shining sun
    Without a care in the world.