• You were so loving and trusting
    you warmed everyone's hearts
    you filled me with love
    so young and so smart

    You always asked if you could come
    over and play
    always wanted me...to come outside
    and play tag in the sun...that was
    your way,

    I would spend every day by your side
    and you would ask me about my
    life and i told you all my secrets
    but you never told me yours...

    of the struggle that you dealt with
    every day, we all loved you
    not knowing of the price you had to

    I used to spend time with you every
    and then I left moved a way and
    when I came back my mind was
    shrouded and distracted
    while you pleaded for my company
    You asked for me to come over and play
    and I didn't
    mother was angry and I didn't know...
    i didn't know...
    and then...
    when my mind was clear and my troubles
    were away...
    I went to see you
    and i've regretted my ignorance till' this day

    oh the price you had to pay
    the doctors said to spend this week...
    this day with you
    and when i saw you that day you
    were so sick and could barely talk to me
    or even smile, so many things
    i wanted to say
    but i never got to say it...
    so young before you turned nine...
    i wish i could see you one last time
    to say my goodbye
    you were too young to sweet and
    innocent....to die....

    R.I.P Tierra