• Still and bleak
    the air sure did reek
    on a strange summer day.
    amongst the barn filled with hay
    a group did gather,
    though many would far rather
    return back home
    than remain and roam.
    However they knew
    that none of the few,
    could get away,
    without stopping to say,
    a big ol' "Welcome"
    to that fool Officer Malcolm.

    Thus they arrive,
    and try to strive
    to ignore their enemies
    for which they have no easy remedies
    the invites they all did answer
    except the oblivious drunk dancer.

    The night's star,
    easily spotted from afar
    it was often seen
    that he was immaculately clean.
    He had a new toy
    that he received from Roy,
    a woman so gentle
    fortunately for her she was a rental,
    he knew not her name
    on his ride to money and fame,
    unbeknown to thee
    his bank account was empty.
    he failed to see,
    he needed help to be free
    from the creditors
    that rained down upon his doors.
    None new to concur
    against the Militant Officer.

    The semi rumbled
    one must be humbled,
    at the sight of Tiffany
    often given to an epiphany.
    Never seen in a skirt
    draped in a button down shirt
    one button done
    her eyes protected from the sun.
    Skin so clear
    though some people often fear
    her truck was rank
    from the oil to which she stank
    such things belied
    who she was hidden inside
    she tended her garden
    and used phrases like"I beg your pardon."
    She did rue,
    fooling all those that she knew.

    They needed a Disk Jockey,
    he was as hard as his name of Rocky.
    A man of many faces,
    to be found in strange and unpleasant places.
    Many people he has met,
    bad impressions have been set,
    for the red in his eyes
    matched only be the fire that resides.
    Others often said
    he is familiar with infrared.
    Banks,stores and homes alike
    many of which he sets his sights.
    His fellows blatant distrust
    was not an obscure must.
    As he wanders,
    he watches as he ponders,
    a childhood foe
    his next target, yes or no?

    Good grief another fellow,
    known by all for his loud bellow.
    By the name of Tayler,
    the town's only competent baker.
    His belly round
    easily gained it was found,
    for what he make
    some of all he would take.
    His home a larder,
    to which he may never barder,
    none he deemed
    well endowed it seemed
    to assist his work
    even as a shop clerk.
    Every day alone
    for he has never known
    the kind of emotion
    that sets great things in motion.

    Of course there is Fayt,
    always running a tad bit late.
    Strong and corded,
    mind wicked like the songs he has recorded.
    His dream may never take root
    thus he stands bathed in coal soot.
    He never bemoaned what lost
    even as his breath turns to ice and frost.
    Atop his head rest his lamp
    upon his heart lay her stamp
    From his lovely lady
    of the lost and shady.
    His gaze in a fray
    from her his sight never stray.
    A love never forgotten
    nor are they rich and royally rotten.
    His feet flew in a fury,
    like her horses racing in a hurry.

    The party was to relax
    not reach such a horrible climax.
    None could find Tiffany
    or red eyed Rocky,
    People did say
    a rivalry just may,
    have come to a head
    and one of the two may be dead
    more punches thrown
    then all to the songs they own.
    Everyone had an enemy
    though not one would flee.
    were they all so cruel
    or were they just pitiful fools?
    Could a town with no map dot
    breed such horrible rot?
    Lost among the evil it did seem
    the kind were few and far between.