• Today is the day,
    I watch from a window, twisting the ring on my finger.
    Slowly bridesmaids, flower girls, and the rest of the party file in
    My stomach is tied in knots.
    I love him more then I ever thought I could love.
    I lower my veil and make my way inside.
    I stand between our parents,
    And I notice the ring on his necklace,
    How handsome he is in his uniform,
    and the picture of us peaking out of his pocket.
    Tears fill my eyes as I stroke his cheek,
    and I feel the flowers drop from my hand.
    As I take my seat I hear the preacher, but I am not listening.
    His mother takes my hand as we both cry.
    The pallbearers slowly carry him outside,
    And the sound of the guns go off in the background,
    As the world comes back into focus there is a flag in my hand
    And a hole in my heart.