• “You’re just not right the way you are”
    That’s what every TooTightNotQuiteMaybeOneSizeBigger suggested
    So forget it all; forget life
    Health and all other minor details will do you no good if your pants are larger than a size seven
    -and even then you have to have a nice a**-
    So why bother with breakfast?
    That fatigued feeling will go away eventually right?
    And those OhSoSpecial occasions when you just have to eat?
    Don’t worry! You can take care of it in the bathroom later
    It will become a disgusting daily ritual
    As grotesque and disturbing as cannibals at lunchtime
    But you’re down to a size three so it’s worth it
    Just ignore the irregular rhythm of your heart
    And that constant cold feeling? Well layers are always in
    The fainting spells & blackouts will be like tiny naps –
    To make up for the sleep you lose slouched over the toilet in the middle of the night saying
    “this is the last time”
    As empty as the “ItWon’tHurtABit” of the injection technician
    The dark circles under your eyes are easy enough to hide;
    It just takes a little make-up
    Your skin wasn’t exactly flawless anyway
    Don’t worry that your face is sunken in or that your body has taken on a carrion state
    Because your ribcage is sexy!
    Why wouldn’t you show off every bone that you can
    After all;
    You’ve earned it
    You thought you must look good because “HE” finally asked you out
    Now just makes sure the only thing he sees you chewing is gum
    And look! He’s pretending to care about you!
    But who could ever love you
    Just look at yourself
    But its fine
    When he leaves you there’s always your best friends Ben&Jerry
    And there’s always flushing them away because the movies lied;
    Ice cream doesn’t even take the sting away
    Maybe you can get him back
    Just show him what he’s missing
    Skin drawn taught against your hips, putrid breath, and lack of interest in…everything
    He’s gotta’ miss that
    “Look at those beautiful bones!”
    That’s what everyone must be thinking
    But wait;
    Your collar bone could cave in more
    And your shoulder blades aren’t quite as defined as the anatomy class skeletons
    Shouldn’t have had that slice of pizza at your birthday party last week
    You shouldn’t even have gone
    Why didn’t you shoved your fingers down your esophagus when you had the chance
    No worries;
    You can start making up for it today
    45 minutes on the treadmill should do it
    Pile on the pillows!
    On the floor that is
    That way if you collapse you won’t get hurt too awfully bad
    Keep checking the scale and remind yourself that water weight is still weight
    And every ounce counts!
    If it taste good spit it out, and if it doesn’t hurt it isn’t helping
    Ignore what all your friends say
    And what do health teachers know? They try to scare you out of everything good
    You feel fine
    Besides, puking up blood is only scary the first time
    It doesn’t matter if you’re tired
    You just have to get another look at your dinner before you can rest
    Just think how amazing you’ll look in that dress!
    Coffins are great for covering imperfections;

    No one will be able to see your flat but when you’re laying down 
