• If only you could start over.
    All the way back to the start.
    Maybe things would have been different.
    Maybe your heart wouldn't have fallen apart.

    Maybe you wouldn't have shed those tears,
    or waited for acceptance through all those years.

    Maybe everyone would understand you.
    Maybe they'd know the truth.
    There you'd have a chance.
    To start, a new.

    But because we can't start over,
    we can always start now.
    Don't give up on hope,
    stay tall and proud.

    Hold your ground until the day,
    where everything will have a change.

    And then maybe you'll say to yourself,

    "Screw starting over.
    I'll live life the way I want to,
    how I want to,
    and why I want to."

    heart gaia_angelleft LIFE gaia_angelright heart