• I see the smile on your face
    And my heart hurts with all the scars people inflict
    As soon as I feel I can trust you
    You turn against me
    As soon as you find out that
    I starve myself and cut
    You laugh at the pain I feel
    You say I should jump
    And I almost do
    Because this pain is all too real
    I trust my heart and end up bleeding to death on the side of the road
    Who are you to tell me how my life is gonna end up
    Do you really know me
    I doubt it
    My nail polish reflects all my emotions in one color.
    Just like my heart holds the open wounds that I push below the surface
    So no one can see how I truely feel
    So thank you for this pain
    Thank you for the lies that show how untrustworthy you really are
    I see now that there is too much hate in the world for there to ever be peace.