• I'm your angel.
    When I'm without you, I'm nothing less than beautiful.
    I'm your baby girl,
    The one you saved from this world.
    We’re not perfect,
    But we are trying.
    Trying to work things out,
    Cause this is love without a doubt.
    You tell me,
    You love me.
    You can’t wait for our wedding day,
    Then when everything starts to change,
    When I get pregnant with your son.
    When we bring our daughter home.
    And I don’t know how long this will last,
    Because we’re both running from our pasts.
    I don’t know how much time will pass,
    But I fell for you so fast,
    You swept me off my feet,
    Telling me…
    “When I look at you – I think damn she’s mine.”
    “Damn she’s fine.”

    I'm your angel,
    When I'm with you, I'm nothing less than beautiful.
    We get lost in each other’s gaze,
    We take away each other’s pain,
    And I can’t wait,
    For our wedding day.
    Walking down that isle in that white dress,
    While you look there looking so perfect.
    I can’t wait to lie in your embrace,
    Kissing your face,
    Holding onto you,
    Whispering “I love you”,
    Waking up every morning,
    To your soft breathing,
    Going to sleep every night,
    Cuddled up by your side.
    When I'm not with you it’s an eternity,
    And waiting for that one day every week,
    Just to go and see you,
    Just so we can swap “I love you".
    I truly wish,
    Things didn’t have to be like this.
    Cause when I have to leave,
    I just feel like crying.
    I feel my heart breaking,
    I can feel the tears falling.
    It’s perfect when we’re together,
    Promising each other, forever.
    But when I have to go,
    I feel the thunder roll.
    The rain falling fast,
    Hitting my skin like shards of glass...

    Cause when I'm with you, you call me your angel.
    When I'm with you, you make me feel beautiful.
    I feel loved,
    And feel so damn perfect.
    And I feel butterflies,
    When you tell me you get lost in my eyes.
    Chipmunk, baby, I can’t wait to be your wife…
    For the rest of my life. <3