• A Moment In Time

    In the blink of an eye
    In the time it takes to take a breath
    A moment would of passed
    A strand of time lost forever.

    We cherish them not
    For time is a fleeting thing
    We think we have all of it
    And yet, we've none.

    A moment, a small word
    That belittles time to the smallest thing
    Not counted in seconds, nor minutes
    Counted in the even smaller things

    And what could be smaller, more precious
    Than a moment in time?
    Smaller than the seconds
    More precious than gold?

    Memories, I tell you
    The fragility of remembrance
    The moment quietly slipping away
    Until it is nothing, and simply gone.

    Every breath we take
    Every 'moment' we make
    Without us even knowing
    A moment in time has slipped away.