• Sarah Weegan Teegan 
    met a boy named Michael Keegan
    She and he met in a place 
    where night and day both looked like evening.
    Michael Keegan wrote his feelings 
    in a note for Sarah's hearing.
    Bees buzzed busily.
    Hers and his did see. 
    Spring did come and he 
    had begun to sing. 
    "I'd marry you in a heartbeat, 
    if a heartbeat was easy to do,
    but my heart beats twice as fast now
    whenever I am here with you.
    Too fast to see, or hear,
    or catch, or snatch
    or steal, or stop, or slow,
    but Sarah Weegan Teegan, 
    I do love you; 
    I thought you should know."
    But Sarah Weegan Teegan 
    met another boy named Steven,
    and she soon was swept away 
    by his style and his appearance.
    Though he handled her with anger,
    she could hardly think of freedom,
    while her ears forgot the favor
    of the the love of Michael's feelings.
    Meanwhile Michael Keegan 
    found the summer nights were freezing;
    or perhaps it was his heart
    that was searching for some meaning.
    As the winter creeped with snow
    and the wind began to blow,
    within his eyes the cold ice melted
    and the salt began to flow.
    One day Weegan Teegan 
    ran away from Steven's treatings.
    Whether physical or verbal,
    Sarah's heart now needed healing.
    There was one place she could go;
    one that Steven didn't know.
    Where the evening and the morning,
    dimly lit,
    would glow like snow.
    It was there that he was sleeping;
    curled up in every limb,
    as if he never thought of leaving,
    and so Sarah lay with him.
    His eyes opened so slowly
    to a face filled with regret,
    yet his heart pounded so boldly
    as his smile replied, "Don't fret.
    If this is just a dream,
    then this coma i'll embrace
    for one more moment here with you,
    if that would be the case.
    A life not loved;
    a love not lived;
    impatient hearts endure,
    but this I know
    from head to toe;
    I've never been so sure.
    It's still to fast to see, or hear,
    to catch, or snatch
    or steal, or stop, or slow,
    but Sarah Weegan Teegan
    I'll always love you;
    you'll always know.