• Child of mine know that I love the,
    and that good or bad you'll always have me.
    But I will not always be here for health is fleeting,
    so while I still have a heart that's red and beating,
    listen up well and never forget my daughter,
    that morning, noon or night evil does not falter.

    There's the darkness that fills our hearts,
    and other people is where it all starts.
    They may lie, cheat, or steal just to get ahead,
    some no concern who might end up dead.
    It's a terrible thing yes, and you will be hurt,
    But still keep your mind open, just remain alert.

    But what of those demons that hide in our skins?
    Them taking over means nobody wins.
    They feed on your stress, your rage and your sadness,
    driving you vicious, bitter and clawing with madness.
    Just bury them down by remembering each day,
    love and hope are such pleasant things to say.

    So if you find the devil whispering in your ear,
    just pay no attention, for he's wicked my dear.
    He likes it most of it all when you're greedy and mad,
    with burning blood and thoughts so bad,
    because it is then you are so easy to trick.
    For him to claim your soul would be utterly tragic.