• figure i.) I Was Space And You Were Matter

    I was space, and you were matter. For a moment, you existed inside of me like a tiny particle of light, burning a hole in the empty darkness of my mind. You seemed so unlikely, at first, my mind being filled with bleak inactivity for so long, but shone so bright, exploding, and for that moment in which you had been here there was a perfect universe contained in our proximity, where the laws of the outside world were moot, we were the only two things in existence, our minds were the only two things that mattered, and then, the time came, (as I'm sure all things have done, and will do) for reality to collapse in upon itself. Leaving nothing missed by no one but the empty space left without any matter, which had seemingly vanished as quickly as it had spontaneously appeared.

    figure ii.) Copenhagen's Interpretation

    If only life could be so perfect, For our particles to bind. Through all the faces I have seen, Places I may have never been; Your smile is an image I hold in my heart, And constantly in the back of my mind.