• Lost in space
    Time has collapsed
    Aging ceases
    Life increases
    So long have I lived
    Too long to forgive
    My life
    A worthless rag

    I live to see another day
    To watch the world fall to dismay
    From first to last
    Beginning to end
    A race torn itself apart

    I am a name without a face
    Created to lead, guide, and proclaim
    They know me by heart
    Written in their books
    Conversed by in their arts
    Without a heart, body, and mind
    They still call me Truth Divine

    They each have their own truth
    Their own thoughts
    Their own beliefs
    But only one truth survives
    But only I survive

    My name is Truth
    And I cannot be swayed
    They delude each other with My name
    Themselves they do not recognize
    An excuse to kill eachother
    And themselves
    Genocide is the game

    Some fear me
    Some love me
    But most of all
    They exploit me
    They call me Truth Divine
    In wars that can't subside
    the end is near
    That's the truth
    I know

    That's all there is to look forward to
    With time coming to a close
    My name is Truth
    And the truth is cold