• The chilling pulse goes through my body machine,
    Like how a robot human's electricity energizes like caffeine,
    A 25th century technician looks through a holographic magazine,
    Discovering how to fix it under the repair tab; section 14,

    Meanwhile George Washington lost his Declaration,
    Right under Abraham's foot stepping on slavery's dissipation,
    Benjamin's reading books, as Shakespeare has finally awaken,
    He writes another play under his imaginative mind and creation,

    Brains grew legs and travelled the world,
    Giving on the knowledge for our technology and future swirled,
    We got it right here but we just don't know it yet,
    Life's a gamble and you only win the money if you deal a huge bet,

    Make it rain ashes from dead bodies,
    Blood from the undead zombies,
    because one the day the meteors will crash,
    and the mountains will collapse....