• Her Voice

    I fell in love with her voice.
    A soothing sound so full of poise.
    So humble and so meek.
    Gently words soft as a sheep.

    I fell in love with her voice.
    Sexy when she gets sleepy.
    Cute, cheery and bubbly.
    Sweetest thing to me.

    I fell in love with her voice.
    A image of a beauty I wish to see.
    A girl with a voice that talks to me.
    Waiting on the day we can meet.

    I fell in love with her voice.
    That’s all I really did.
    She’s not the person I saw in my head.
    She’s something I never expected.

    And more importantly I think.
    How could I even feel like this?
    I can’t believe I won’t resist.
    She’s ugly beyond imagination.
    So much I wish this day never happened.

    Although it’s sad for me to say.
    I fell in love with her anyways.
    So now I have to make a choice.
    I’ll stay, for I fell in love with her voice.