• Matter opposite of life is loathsome,
    Visuals of perfection lies inside no one,
    Drains pouring liquid deep down to the base,
    That water was my heart melting right in place,

    I've hurt a lot so this is more than just taste,
    It's a screaming terror attacking me with haste,
    No mercy comes up in thought as these monsters chase,
    Soon they will consume me and I will be erased,

    Joy is the mind assuring you something is great,
    but love seems to easily be twisted to something I hate,
    What am I to think? Is love amazing or destructive?
    Love are delicious poisoned lips to be deadly and seductive,

    She looks at me in the eyes and asks for me to care,
    She frustrates my world anytime and anywhere,
    She makes love seem so delightful and simple,
    She gets my heart to stumble and my legs to fumble.

    She is love