• Sometimes you take what you hate and blare it,
    A walking freak show of beauty like Joseph Merrick,
    Related to a clock that ticks backwards broken,
    The lips of a fluent speaker suddenly becoming unspoken,

    I see paintings that melt like ice cream smeared on walls,
    An angry giant that roams a forest far too small,
    A black widows web lies in its ear ready to bite,
    Big or small the mystery is how it's stayed out of sight,

    What am I shouting; what is it that I hate?
    Is this poem full of ridicule that no one else relates?
    Is there something too questionable for minds all alone?
    Disconnect these questions that keep calling my brain's telephone!

    So you stop and forget and you have no words left to say,
    What you don't understand, what you fear, and invisible monsters go away,
    It's quiet in a world where everyone views it the same,
    You keep telling me what's normal but what's crazy is here today.