• It’s been so long and yet

    I can still feel you.

    I can feel your arms around

    My waist, and your hand

    On my thigh,

    I still hear your sweet nothings

    Beneath the nighttime sky.

    And I still smell

    Your cologne, and the lake,

    And the scent of cigarette smoke that

    Clung to you and

    Your clothes.

    And your lips.

    And your lips.

    They way they tasted like

    Mountain Dew and cigarettes and

    Mint and happiness, they way

    That they danced under mine.

    And your lips.

    They way that your kiss swept

    My off of my firm perch on the ground,

    They way that those soft, gentle

    Lips of yours

    Forced life into me,

    And brought me back from the edge.

    And I can still feel you.
    I can feel your face in my neck,

    The way your stubble caught

    In my hair.

    And next time I go swimming,

    I will feel you.

    Because I can still feel your arms around me

    In the lake,

    As I no longer feared


    And the next time I visit an arcade

    I will lean against a machine,

    And remember,

    The way that you held me and

    Rocked us back and forth,

    Before walking away from the arcade lights

    And our friends and the noise

    And into the night.

    And no matter where I go,

    I will see or hear or smell

    Something, and I

    Will think of you

    And your lips.
