• His beady orbs were my last coherent thoughts
    before I was sucked to a blue Floridian beach-
    the sun beating down on the calm shore,
    or maybe the pool in my backyard glowing in the dark.

    And as I stared deeper, I began to drown
    at first, like I was pulled down by my foot.
    My breath hitching,
    suffocating in a feeling that disabled my ability to breathe- or even think,
    it hit me like waves
    each time deeper, and deeper.
    I let myself be engulfed into the calm cool eyes
    until it was okay if I never took another breath.

    He was like the unexpected lightning shooting down from the sky,
    thunder rumbling like a shout to the core of the earth.

    My skin crawled and my heart wanted to run,
    but only to be chased,
    caged inside my chest.