• I watch the second hand.
    Its travel around the clock is slow
    But closer to the goal
    Why do we watch the clock?
    When it symbolizes the end of our time
    We are each running in circles.
    Seconds ticking by
    Another rotation
    Seconds but closer
    Till the batteries die
    Much can happen in a second
    Too much in a minute
    Take a breather close your eyes
    You’re a minute closer to the time you die
    So much can happen in a minute
    Across the street
    A little boy dies
    His ball fell into the road
    The driver didn’t have time
    The mother she cries.
    Cries for the second she could have grabbed his hand.
    And you
    You sat there breathing
    A minute for you
    A second too late
    Closer and closer
    Until the battery dies
    Such fickle things
    One minute they can be so full of life
    Next the second hand seems to stick
    What do we do with this knowledge?
    We walk in circles
    Same routine
    Round and round
    The second hand travels
    Sixty seconds a minutes gone by
    Three thousand six hundred seconds and you’re an hour shy
    Same routine
    Over and over
    Another rotation
    I watch the second hand
    And wait for my batteries to die