• Growing up I thought was easy.

    To my left my unstable, scarred and troubled mother.
    To my right a shadowy silhouette figure of my so called father.

    Being raised under the wing of one guardian is a burden all on its own.
    She gave me life and with that gave me everything.
    Through all the tribulations she remained strong and fixed.
    For all the things I thank her for, I cannot thank you for any.

    Where were you when I cried?
    Where were you when I needed guidance?
    Where were you when I needed a male role model to project what a man is supposed to be?

    Instead I created a manifest of what a man should be through the mistakes of my dear mother.
    Now when I think of you, all I see is a mirage filled with empty hopes and promises.

    Now I know what a man is supposed to be and better yet I know what a father is supposed to represent.

    I never had a father.
    But I always had a mother.