• One day I won't be here anymore.
    One day I'll be somewhere else doing something else.
    I'll be living differently.
    I'll know different people.
    It's becoming real to me now.
    I don't want to be here.
    I never really did.
    Even when I was with my ex.
    I always wanted to live somewhere else with or without him.
    Call it a hopeless dream.
    Call it an ill-thought decision.
    Call it whatever you like.
    But for me,
    It's something that's going to happen.
    It's something I want to do.
    I once heard someone say,
    "A dream untouched is a dream forgotten."
    I won't let it pass me by.
    I won't just stay here and live how everyone else did.
    I let too many dreams slip out of my grasp - being valedictorian, moving away for university, running the marathon by the time I was 16, and playing tennis at the collegiate level.
    I know I should have pursued it when I truly had the chance,
    But there’s no point in dweilling over it now.
    There's so much to make up for.
    I want to experience life somewhere else.
    I want to have an adventure fit for me.
    Because as they say, to live will be an awfully big adventure.
    And one day - I'll truly live.