• You have told me to stop romanticizing you before.
    What you stand for, what you are.
    It's really funny, considering I only wanted to romance you.
    I can't remember when it started, or even really how.

    And surely, but slowly... I began to like you.

    I liked the way you were then, and I like who you are now.
    I like how gentle you can be, but I also liked your forcefulness and ambiguity.
    I liked when you'd remind me of my mistakes, and I like how you forgive them now.
    I like the way your nose scrunches in confusion sometimes.
    I like the way every word you speak is poetry itself.
    I like how I can taste every bit of your love in what you cook.
    I like waking up to you, and I like seeing you before I sleep.
    I like the way your eyes dim when I fluster you.
    I like your deep and mesmerizing voice.
    I like it when you call my name.
    I like every trace of your skin, your heat, your hands on mine, or on other places...
    I like that you love me, even if I don't deserve it.

    Even on days when I know I'm too much, you were there.
    Even when it seemed I was nothing but an airhead, you were there.
    Even knowing the worst parts of me, you were there.
    During the darkest depths of my despair, you still were there, and you set me free.

    I like how patient you are, despite the fact you deserve more.
    More than my flippant and stupid personality.
    So much more than just a simple "like".
    But my heart is a very strange thing.
    It's painful to be genuine about this one thing, but I want to try.
    Hopefully someday, I can express just how much I feel for you.
    I spoke of love once, and it was false and untrue.
    I don't want to taint this, to make it fake.
    I know how I feel is so much more, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little longer for it.

    One day, I'll heal, I know.
    I'm sure you know too.
    But until then, however, all I can say is "like".

    So, with that being said...

    More than everything else, anything in the world, out of anyone I could ever meet...

    I like you.