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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Twenty-Nine: Status Quo
When it's been a particularly busy week, I sit down on Friday, check my PMs, check my profile comments, check my journal. Journal? Oh crap, it's Friday, I gotta write my journal update!

My brain freezes and I think, "Okay, so all this week I've thought to myself: I should include this [insert something I can't currently remember here] in my journal update -- but now I can't think of anything!"

Then it slowly comes to me as I write, and inevitably I'll look back and think "Damn, I forgot to write about [insert thing I will later forget here]". Anyway, on with the show:

Gotta get my fix
I posted a bunch of stuff that was broken with the site last week, a couple of the things that were lighting up Site Feedback (specifically item arranger and gift giving) and both were fixed last week.

Since then, Site Feedback has returned to addressing things that are slightly more interesting. Like site improvements rather than site problems.

There are still a go-jillion things that need to be fixed, updated, improved -- and all of us here know it and are working on it. Though I guess I should address...

Common misconceptions about Gaia development
Here are a few things I see a lot of Gaians say on a regular basis regarding stuff that's broken, out of date, or just working crappily on the site.

1. You should stop making new stuff and just fix everything that's broken!
There are several issues with this:
  • It costs a lot of money to just pull someone off their existing project. When you have a bunch of plans for the rest of the year, if you have to completely pull one project, the 30 people who are affected by that timeline have to waste time to adjust priorities, etc. We're paying them for all that wasted time.

  • Something that's broken may have been written in a confusing way a long time ago by a developer who's currently tied to another project and isn't available to rewrite the system.

  • Often devs are working on multiple-person-dependent projects. If the fix only requires one dev, do we just let the other dev fall behind while he waits for the other dev he needs to finish his project?

  • Once something's started, we don't just stop to switch to something else unless it's really important or we hit a major roadblock (e.g., in the case of Tattoos and the avatar engine). When developers are on a roll with a project, it slows down development on BOTH projects when they have to keep switching gears.

  • The devs who can fix certain things can't fix other things. We have devs who know one or two (but not all) of : PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, Java, Flash. So if something in Towns breaks, there are only a handful of developers who know the Flash-programming necessary to fix it. If something breaks with profiles, there are only a handful of devs that know the CSS/AJAX necessary to fix it. All devs are different smile

Finally, and one of the most important points, is that certain big issues like inventory-related stuff, Marketplace, Guilds, Quest system, adding poses to avatars, fixing homes, etc. is that these are BIG systems that require a lot of attention and will have a very long development cycle and will tie up several developers for a couple months or more. It's expensive to dedicate people to these projects and sometimes we have to make that unfortunate call of deciding what's working "well enough" and what gets our attention first?

2. It should only take you a week at most to fix this!
Guys, you have no idea - and I think I hear these kinds of things mostly from people who have very little experience with any kind of development. Gaia is a site with a very scrutinizing community that supports over 80,000 concurrent users, and until you have to deal with each of these issues, it's pretty impossible to know the challenges you face in fixing/developing features.

Let's run down a few of the things that add on to the time of the development or repair process of a particular feature:
  • Developer availability: If all our devs are on existing projects, we have to make a good case as for why a particular bug/problem is worth delaying their project (which may have several other devs depending on them)

  • Finding the issue: It's easy to see that something is broken, but not always easy to see WHY. Remember, we wrote the code in a way that we thought worked -- if it's not working, it's something that might take a little looking into.

  • Fixing the part or the whole: Often if there's a little thing wrong with something, especially with an older system like guilds/marketplace, it makes a lot more sense to rewrite the entire system while a developer is poking ahead around in there. Think of... if your old car's engine breaks down, making the decision between buying a new engine for a really old car, or just buying a new car that you know will last longer.

  • Code review: We have to make sure our code follows best practices so it's usually common that we have another developer look over the code of a feature/fix before release so that we make sure the first one didn't overlook anything.

  • Testing the fix: We have to move away from the old Gaia culture of releasing stuff, letting it break, fixing it, letting it continue to break, fixing it, etc. Every feature and release goes through extensive testing now. Sure, stuff still breaks... but it breaks softer.

  • Potential gains: There are things we decide will make Gaia WAY more fun, and things that are just kind of annoyances or minor improvements. If fixing feature A results in +10 GFU (Gaian Fun Units) and writing feature B results in +150 GFU, but they both take the same amount of time, we usually decide to devote our time towards feature B rofl

    (And since I KNOW people will ask this - I just made up GFU as an example. We don't actually measure anything like that.)

3. Just buy more servers already!
Gaia has enough servers for right now -- a lot of what needs to be fixed is code-based, and that all depends on devs. "Hire more devs!" might be a better cry smile

4. Gaia devs are lazy

How dare you!

Actually, this is the only one that actually upsets me (rather than just bugging me - since most users wouldn't know better regarding the other two issues). Gaia devs (and I'm talking more about other devs than myself rofl ) work their asses off, take flak from users, and still keep the site up and running.

Also, I'm aware there has been a severe lack of linking in my journals. If I had more time I would, but some jerks around here keep bugging me about "working" and "job responsibilities" and "pink slip" or something. So I gotta get back to it!

A note: Lots of people have asked in the comments, and by "avatar engine" I just mean the code suite that's used to assemble your avatar graphic. Nothing new - but something that needs to be updated if we want to support new poses, bigger/smaller avis, or anything remotely different from the existing avatar system.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:14am

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:16am
And I appreciate all the work that goes into the site! Because I know that it must be hard.

Being friends with devs and talking to them has helped me see just what a job it is to run a site like this.

Git er' done!

EDIT: Second comment, lawl.

Cid High-Wind
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iKal Enigma
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:17am
Fleep, you rawk. This is my first posting here in your journal. And just wanted to say hi. Feel free to PM me sometime cause my comments are disabled at the time. So pm me sometime


commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:19am
-steals a comment-
Ling stole the first comment. D':

So yeah.
That's totally why I'm a dev fangirl. 8D
Without devs there's no Gaia.
Yay for devs.

Now get back to work. -cracks whip-

Oh and...avatar engine?
Maybe not. 8D

Community Member
hira ioshi
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:20am
Well I support you guys..... down with all the dev haters!! Also reading your journal entries make my day... or week, or whatever. biggrin

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:21am
what is this 'avatar engine' you have mentioned? ninja i don't believe i have heard of that before and it intrigues me.

break softer. xd that just sounds funny.

you should keep a sticky note pad to keep notes during the week so you can just look at it when you go to write your journal on Fridays.

edit: xd at Ling.

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Lady of Whimsy
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:21am
Your journal is my favorite--I really appreciate that you talk about stuff that's going on behind the scenes. Insight is a good thing ^_^


edit @LokiLB--I'm pretty sure the avatar engine is just another term for the avatar system/program/whatever....?

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:23am
The hell?! Six comments popped up by the time I finished reading that. >.< Damnit, I forgot what I was going to say now! crying

DJ Trouble
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Shine On Crazy Diamond
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:30am
GFU. You know, the people working on the Sims used something like that while they were developing the games and expansion packs.

Go Gaia Fun Units!

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:37am

Sorry about the all-caps.
I just feel VERRY strongly abotu nasties insulting Devs.
They have no idea what they're talking about.

Inverted Squares
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:43am
..Avatar engine? :0->-<

It maybe avatar system.
Or it maybe something leaked..

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 12:53am
I guess I can understand your frustration, man. A lot of users here are inconsiderate/stupid towards how Gaia developers go about doing things. I've always thought that they take their time for a reason (Hell, I'm learning how to program at the moment, and it isn't easy...especially figuring out that one little problem that you need to fix, but it's so elusive that it takes forever to find it). As long as we can be patient, we're rewarded, and life is good biggrin . And if the devs didn't work their fingers till they bled, the site'd be down by now xd .

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 01:58am
Yet again another helpful entry Fleep. Keep it up, and keep those Gaian in the know, that'll keep em off your back.


commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 02:24am
Not really anything I hadn't figured out already, but I like the for "working crappily." 3nodding

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 03:05am
Oh joy I get comment #15. Thanks (or relay the thanks to the Dev, though he probably knows Dx) for fixing the inventory arranger. eek heart

"Flash programing?" xD Aww~ Fleep we aren't that uninform. I totally know you mean ActionScript. *wonders what version of actionscript you use*

I remember using actionscript 2.0 before to make a flash game and the thing keep bugging on me. I felt my brain slowly turn into much after spending time staring at a monitor for who knows how long. Honestly, I don't understand how programmers can do it and in that sense I admire your dedication. u___u; Programming is like ebil to me and I stay away from it like I stay away from a disease. The idea scares me and turns me into a hunched over mole like creature. gonk

I wonder, with all the various feedback you get, do you get anything remotely productive to your cause or an inspirational idea. sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 03:40am
I want to thank you and all the other dev for the hard work that you have done making my 4 years with Gaia very fun. + 6000 GFU biggrin

Dr Henry Pym
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Sevi Rais
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 04:04am
1. You should stop making new stuff and just fix everything that's broken!

Ugh, I -hate- it when users say this. -____- Like you need to stop the entire development of Gaia just to fix a few bugs.

Thanks for the explanation Fleep. :"3

And thanks to the devs for fixing the arranger. gonk heart

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 04:52am
Another helpful entree made by fleep. Keep up the great work ^-^

chi honda
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 05:24am
we shouldnt be treating devs like crap we should be treating them like gods eek

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 05:38am
Im so happy the inventory aranger was fixed, I have lots of stuff I want to put into storage. (:

"You should stop making new stuff and just fix everything that's broken! "

Thats annoys me mucho. </3

"Gaia devs are lazy"

And that annoys me very much also.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 05:41am
Thanks all the Developers for tolerating us crybabies about all the problems that's been coming up. Especially the item arranger. You developers get the job done fast and efficiently. mrgreen

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 05:54am
I wish you had a Work Journal sticky like Lanzer so people can actually read your journal entries. That's something worth considering and putting in like um.... Site Feedback! rofl

I hope people will learn what "work" is like really like and how things aren't conjured up with a magical staff.

Down with the naysayers that say Gaia devs are lazy! D:

I'm glad that the culture of releasing features, waiting it to break, fixing, breaking again, and then fixing again until you get it right is gone from Gaia HQ. New features are so stable now that it's sometimes hard to find a bug in them.

It's a shame that Guilds & Marketplace (two examples) will take a whole team of devs to recreate again to improve them. I guess rebuilding a new whole Guilds/MP would be a much better approach then to add small upgrades which would result in some time loss because in the end, working to create a whole new project would make much more sense. Hope to see that happen soon though. biggrin

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 06:11am
I know [a little bit of] what your talking about.

I was wondering... Do Gaia Artists need to know how to code?
And did you ever find find out about those wristbands?

If you remember...

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 06:26am
Ah, destructive testing, that was always my favorite part of design. It's truly amazing how many ways you can come up with to tear apart guitar pick ups to analyze their original construction and durability.

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 06:36am
Awsome Journal as always. :3

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 07:06am
Fleep, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the way you interact with users. Especially putting up with crap from users who have little patience or just little understanding and more importantly, for keeping us informed.

I like viewing you posts a lot, it always help clear up issues.

It's not stalking. ninja

Marek The Alienated Elite
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 07:06am
Why don't you stop writing about stupid stuff and start actually coding, you smelly idiot!

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 07:58am
Nicely written. Do I detect a slight grudge against the PS3? I admit that at the moment it is most certainly ranking in at sub-par, but give it time. It'll fall into its niche.
Anywhen, (yes, WHEN. Why should way, who and how have all the fun?) I think what we need is much more cost-effective than more servers or devs. We actually need less bitchy users.
I remember the gaia of long before Fleep - I remember a time when Gaia was down for several days at a time, and back then all we had to look forward to upon its return were the forums. And you know what? We LOVED the forums. It was great.
Now what have we got? We have Fleep (And friends) working their butts off to bring us more features and whiny little nooblets complaining that features - which I (or any other gaian vet) consider extras - are broken. That's not to say we don't get mad. Inventory arranger breaks, you're damn right I'm upset - but I know that soon enough it - and my items - will return intact, thanks to devs like you.
Whenever something breaks, try to take a little comfort in knowing that there is at the VERY LEAST one user out there who still believes in you guys. Have a good one, Fleep.

P.S. Don't listen to Cmdr.SaltShoes. You smell fine.

Zarin Denatrose
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 11:37am
Oh, I understand if you hate anyone who calls you guys lazy or talks about how "easy" a feature should be to fix. I've talked that way about Gaia before when I was *REALLY* angry about something that seemed so simple. But yeah, gaia has to have a large codebase able to support 80+ users online at once. That is NOT easy. Gah! How to even keep track of all that data and make sure it doesn't break, I have no idea.

I DEFINITELY love the idea of best coding practice checking though! Amazing! I should push for that whenever I code, even if I'm not being payed biggrin

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 02:03pm
Note to self -- whine loudly about hiring more developers. And then say that Fleep suggested it. xD

Nah, I always new things were more complex than the average Gaian thought (since things generally are). But thank you for explaining things a bit more clearly.

Chibigreen Tejinashi
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 02:29pm
First of all, thank you very much to all of the hard work that you and all of the other devs do!! We really, really, appreciate it! heart Second, thank you for writing this journal entry, its very good look to the amount of work a "fix" can need. I have a feeling in the future I will be quoting this entry a few times while discussing "feedback" the feedback forum. wink

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 03:19pm
Java programming makes my eyes cry. And my head too. I took a comp sci class. I know the kinda crazy work that goes into programming. My dad is a progammer, my fiance's dad is a programmer, my step-dad is a network admin that programs stuff. It's freakin hard work! O_O Kudos goes out to you and your whole team for keeping this site as well run as you do. Plus all this awesome stuff you plan to put out! It's amazing. You guys are awesome.
Teh Kitty lubs ya!!

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The Jesus of suburbia 999
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 06:34pm
fleep i agree i know devs work hard otherwise nothing would work ninja
edit 33rd commetyay

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 07:07pm
Dude, I feel your pain. Mom's a Web Master, and Dad's Tech Support. I've taken a few programming classes myself, and I know how hard it is to try and figure out which part of the code isn't working. sweatdrop Good luck getting all the cool stuff done!

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Burr Durr
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 07:23pm
Oh Fleep, people are just ignorant. x3

Trust me, you can take solace that I know EXACTLY what you're going through. Granted, I'm one of those people who put a new engine into an old car (by about five years or so..but still) I know what it's like to set up priorities. I think a lot of Gaia users think that all developers are placed on one system, or that there are enough developers to go to all systems. Sadly, Gaia can only hire so many, especially with what donations they get. Gaia's growth is equal to the number of donators, and it's sad to see that some users think Gaia owes us all some system, or some feature, as if it's a right to have.
Personally, anyone who says, "I donated to Gaia, where's the Battle System!?" needs to get five across the face for being so stupid. But that's just me.

You keep trucking, though. Sooner or later (probably the later. lol) everything will be up and running smoothly. Just remember: the ungrateful man is loud, where the grateful man is often humble.

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 08:56pm
yeah that is exactly how i would react on such explainments

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 10:17pm
you show those complainers heart heart ^.^

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 11:32pm
>.< Well, at least we know whats going on.

Woah, your voice is lower than I expected. o.0

EDIT: I expect to see you at Fanime, then! ;D

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Super Puddle
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 11:50pm
Fleep, Im sorry you have to work so hard. Coding is hard.

At least you have snacktopia.

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 12:29am
Keep going, Fleep! We know you and the other devs can do it!

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 01:32am
I know I say this every time, but you're cooler than cool Fleep. Reading your journal is not only entertaining... it keeps me up to date on whats going on with gaia. Thanks! heart

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 03:45am
I dont think you guys are lazy, I hate those people who say that to you. When they dont know shite about it them selves.

HAha thats your second reference to a PS3. I remember you said "A complete waiste of money" And the link is th sam pic you used in this journal.

What do you have against that system anyway? Ihaven't played it yet, so I dont know. I prefer X-box.

Have a nice day.

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lcy Shiva
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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 07:04am

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 10:45am
So you new guys get to come along with the duct tape and fix what the original guys put together with bubble bum and rubber bands. Haha, I know how that can be.
Fixing large things be it a nuclear reactor or a super popular website will always have the same problems. Man power, knowledgeable workers, and time. You'll never have enough to make everyone happy.

At least we the Gaians aren't the alpha test for features anymore. Although you never know how well something floats until you throw it in the water, but tossing it into a maelstrom before you check for holes is nuts. gonk

I'm just glad you guys still take time to cool your jets and relieve some pressure. If you practiced the same inhuman dedication to work that I've been told goes on inside of Microsoft's bowels, we'd have a Halo-like battle system yes, but we wouldn't care as much I think. emo Knowing you're human (well, you [mostly] look the part) makes this one of the more friendly sites on the webbernets.

(And since I KNOW people will ask this - I just made up GFU as an example. We don't actually measure anything like that.)
It is now. blaugh
In the Navy we went by Warm and Fuzzies though. The more Warm and Fuzzies you felt about your team and your work, the better off we all were. 3nodding

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 10:57am
Now I just hope people will actually read this journal entry and not just your fanclub D: It would make the feedback forum such a better place to hang out if people weren't delussionally ignorant about Gaia's development team.

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 04:42pm
i love your journal fleep and i am glad for the journal spotlight because if your journal was not in the spotlight i would not have known you or this journal existed.
keep posting new entries!

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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 05:43pm

I'm sorry I cheated on you.


commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 07:38pm
Once again, thank you very much for all the time you and the other devs spend making Gaia a better place for everyone biggrin

You know, my dad has been working with computers and internet since... wow, I hardly remember the start- since I was born, I think sweatdrop I remember having 10 years and talking to my friends about internet, and everyone was "Internet? WTF? D: Go play ball!" I moved from my hometown because he went alone to another city- where I live now- to live with a friend in his extra room, working on a diminute place full of cables, modems, hard drives and CPUs. I've seen him go nights without sleeping, and even if I get mad at him when internet doesn't work, and complain (and I complain, a lot), I know he's doing his best to make things work.

So.. what I wanted to say is, I perfectly know how it must feel when people complain without knowing what they're saying, and expect you to come up with a magical solution to all the problems- which is impossible rofl

I don't know how was Gaia at the start, but I love it now, and I've been here just for a month! I'm excited to see how much will this place grow heart

Keep on with the good work!

Nite Lewis
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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 08:31pm
Aw. Devs need love too. heart
My thanks especially to the devs who fixed the inventory arranger.

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 11:07pm
xd rofl "Site Problems"

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