Ok so I've just had the best week of my life! ^^ I did so may things I normally wouldn't have done!
arrow Wore flip-flops
arrow Bought a 30 dollar book [Hannable Rising --woop!]
arrow Danced
arrow Crushed on a girl besides Jessica [Am I over her? Na ^^]
arrow Wore a bathing suit in public [Black of corse! ^^]
arrow Watched my friend get dressed in drag [so funny. He looked like ho! A bad ho.]
arrow Met a really awesome, potentially bi/gay, guy friend.
arrow Made a really cool new friend! [Not so coincidentally the girl I crushed on. I'm over her so were friends now.]
I had so much fun and I learned a lot. But I really missed one special friend in particular...
oh well it was not meant to be. Perhaps I will grow beyond this too. So sad I am to pity myself. So sad for someone to hurt so much...
I, like Shuichi, will grow in great hunks with sold feet in childhood...
Uesugi Shuichi heart
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I love you as certain dark things should be loved between the shadows and the soul...