i finally got to talk you poptart, he's...well i won't spred his buseness, but i still woried dispite he's efforts to calm me. (he's so sweet 4laugh ) John and i have started a new friendship, where not to close but i still think that we will be later. things are starting to heat up at my house agin and my dad is threating empty threats to move out. i am no longer swept by jesica, but conserned with a new problem that has risen do to a...um... incident that happened at the end of my 8th grade year with a friend of mine. so many reacuring events have happened that my mind is screaming to stay a way, but there's something in my heart that tells me to hang on just a little bit longer. sould in contine to follow her even though it's killing me? or should i break away and save myself from have to relive that horrable night? i'm so unsure. at least the alex-jessica problem has seamed to fix it's self. but what do i do about my new problem?!