T'was me dad's birthday yesterday.

i helped in preparing the food, cleaning up the house and minding the shop cuz my mom has to do a lot of stuffs as well.

i took a day off from work (AWOL) for that whee sweatdrop

it was great though. seeing dad enjoying himself was good, especially since granma cooked up a storm again... i dunno for the readers, but this is what we had:

Lengua, Caldereta, Kare-Kare, Laing, Pancit, Kandingga, Morcon, Lecheflan, Icecream, BukoSalad, and of course Lechon(whole roast pig)

Anywayzzz, today however, i got back to work after cleaning up on the party, that went on through 2 am, i am SO wasted tired right now. and yet we still have an overtime meeting later, for 4 HOURS!! yare-yare
i'm gonna get a headache after this...