heart Yesterday me and 4 friends went to the beach!!! Coney Island!!!!
got there then when we got to the beach we set up our stuff really qick.
It was terrible sand was EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!in our shoes on our blanket it got in our food and in our hair and personal places!!!!!snad is such a damn pain but i love the beach!!!!we played in the water and had a sand ball fight and got tans and took pictures!!
We ate cookies and sandwichs that alia and me made the night before!!we had sooooo much fun!!there was this boy thst was creepy and made all of us but carlos feel weird cuz he was a weirdo perv!!!! scream but he didnt bug us after awhile!!OH and there was a dead crab!!!i named it sabasetian!!! i wanted to keep it.... emo
Everyone took a shower and slept over !!expect for carlos,but he did take a shower xd we brought the beach with us!!!
Scorpions Glance · Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 08:03am · 1 Comments |