I've been so sick in every kind of way since middle, my unhealthy diet is hurting me emotionally along with phsyically.
I've been hospitalized 5 to 6ish times, and have been in an abulance more then 6 times. Three of those times was me being carried away from school. Which is very uncool. I am writting down here ways to keep myself healthy and it even might help whoever reads.
I HATE DOCTORS, because they dont really help you.Alls they do is tell you whats wrong with you then give you meds that fix whats wrong with you but hurts another part of your body. I like to be cured naturally so i know i wont harm myself getting better.
I looked up every single thing i believe is important to keep healthy. Mostly because i already have problems with these things((kidneys and blabber,skin too dry, floaters in my eyes, no judging yeast infections.)) or because of things that run in my family like((Over sensitive skin, gallstone,diabetes type 2 and heart problems.))
Every person in my family has at least one of those three problems and im doom to all three and already am suffering one.((Skin)) gallstones im most afraid of becuz my mother had hers removed my grandmother her mother and so on. even my aunts have had removed and or have them already. Diabetes im not so worried of becuz it can prevent it just by eatting well. Its mostly the women in my family who suffer all of those things the mens curse in diabetes heart probs and going bald at 20 years old.
I know we have horrible ganectics, makes me feeling bad about wanting to have kids. Cuz they'll be so screw over... sweatdrop also my bf has diabetes curse going on in his family but he has something else to add to my family line of health probs.((Cancer))which his grandmother has and its possible some other people before her had it.
Okies so enough talk lets get to the healthy stuff.first up is Having engery and having enough iron.
How Would You Know if You Are Iron Deficient? You could be iron deficient if you..... ..... are unusually tired; ..... have reduced ability to exercise comfortably; ..... have poor stamina; ..... get frequent infections; or ..... if you are lethargic. What is the Optimal Daily Dietary Iron Intake? Children - from birth to age 6 months: 10 mg daily Children - from ages 6 months to 4 years: 15 mg daily Females - ages 11 to 50: 18 mg Females - over age 50: 10 mg Pregnant women: 30 to 60 mg ** Males - ages 10 to 18: 18 mg Males over age 19: 10 mg Is All Dietary Iron the Same? The are two different types of digestible iron in food: 1. hemo iron, found in red meat seafood and poultry, and 2. non-hemo iron found in breads, fruits, breakfast cereals, vegetable, legumes (e. g. baked beans), nuts and eggs
Some Good Sources Foods Rich in Iron* (Dietary Iron) are:
List of Grains Rich in Iron: Iron (mg.) Brown rice, 1 cup cooked 0.8 Whole wheat bread, 1 slice 0.9 Wheat germ, 2 tablespoons 1.1 English Muffin, 1 plain 1.4 Oatmeal, 1 cup cooked 1.6 Total cereal, 1 ounce 18.0 Cream of Wheat, 1 cup 10.0 Pita, whole wheat, 1 slice/piece, 6 ½ inch 1.9 Spaghetti, enriched, 1 cup, cooked 2.0 Raisin bran cereal, 1 cup 6.3
List of Iron Rich Legumes, Seeds, and Soy: Sunflower seeds, 1 ounce 1.4 Soy milk, 1 cup 1.4 Kidney beans, ½ cup canned 1.6 Chickpeas, ½ cup, canned 1.6 Tofu, firm, ½ cup 1.8 Soy burger, 1 average 1.8 to 3.9*
List of Vegetables Rich in Iron: Broccoli, ½ cup, boiled 0.7 Green beans, ½ cup, boiled 0.8 Lima beans, baby, frozen, ½ cup, boiled 1.8 Beets, 1 cup 1.8 Peas, ½ cup frozen, boiled 1.3 Potato, fresh baked, cooked w/skin on 4.0 Vegetables, green leafy, ½ cup 2.0 Watermelon, 6 inch x ½ inch slice 3.0
A Sample List of Foods Rich in Iron: Blackstrap Molasses, one tablespoon 3.0 Dates or Prunes, ½ cup 2.4 Beef, Pork, Lamb, three ounces 2.3 to 3.0 Liver (beef, chicken), three ounces 8.0 to 25.0 Clams, Oysters ¾ cup 3.0 Dark meat Turkey ¾ cup 2.6 Pizza, cheese or pepperoni, ½ of 10 inch pie 4.5 to 5.5
The foods that are good for your eyes are usually fruit and vegetables, and are often quite dark-coloured. They include: kiwi fruit grapes oranges mango papaya peaches spinach
squash sweetcorn kale broccoli green beans Brussels sprouts orange peppers
peas prunes pumpkin sweet potatoes melon courgettes dark green lettuce
…and egg yolks are good too!
Also Always wear sunglasses on bright days even in the winter.
What makes yeast thrive in the v****a? Quite simply, yeast like warm damp places. Allowing the vulva to be exposed to air every day is the first step to preventing yeast.
Wear underwear that can breathe. The best material for this is cotton, so get panties made of all cotton--not just those that have a cotton crotch.
Allow air exposure at night. Don't wear underpants or pajama bottoms to bed. Dress in a nightgown or go completely bare.
Take a bath. It may be hard to believe, but the most drying thing for skin is water. Bathing in the tub and then completely drying off actually dries out the skin and, consequently, helps to prevent yeast infections. This also can provide soothing relief if you already have a yeast infection.
Yeast and antibiotics Most antibiotics wipe out the protective bacteria that normally inhabit the v****a. The broader spectrum antibiotics are the worst culprits. Anywhere from 25 to -70 percent of women will get a yeast infection after taking a course of antibiotics. Avoiding unnecessary antibiotic use--for instance, not seeking out antibiotic treatment for a viral condition like a cold--and taking the mildest antibiotic possible to treat your particular illness are good principles to live by.
Many physicians think that their patients want, or expect, antibiotics if they complain of symptoms, even if the condition will normally run its course and doesn't need medical treatment. Because of this belief, a doctor may automatically prescribe antibiotics rather than risk disappointing his patient. Let your doctor know that you don't want antibiotics unless he thinks it is really necessary.
Yogurt and yeast One study done on women with recurrent yeast infections showed that eating a serving of yogurt every day diminished their number of infections. What explains these results? Well, the active cultures of yogurt are lactobacilli--the good bacteria that protect the vaginal ecosystem. And researchers found that increasing the number of lactobacilli in the intestines seemed to improve the vaginal environment of the study participants.
Some women have tried putting yogurt directly into the v****a, but it's not clear if this is a good idea. Plus no research has been done to address the effectiveness of this method.
Take care of your skin Yeast also tend to infect irritated, broken skin, so it only makes sense that taking good care of your skin will help to prevent yeast invasion. In particular, avoid direct vulvar contact with products that may be irritating, such as fabric softeners or dryer sheets. (For more information, check out our article on vulvar care.)
Things that don't cause yeast infections
Eating foods that contain yeast, such as bread or beer--Yeast is universally available to the v****a in the environment. You can't eliminate this exposure.
Eating sugar (if you're not diabetic)--Women who aren't diabetic control their blood sugars by adjusting the output of insulin. Eating sweets doesn't change the amount of sugar in the v****a or cause yeast to multiply there.
Having sexual contact with someone who might have a yeast infection--Despite what some people believe, there is no evidence that yeast is a sexually transmitted infection.
Keeping The Gallbladder Healthy -Eat high fiber foods -2 Serving of milk a day and or yogurt or cheese always lowfat -Some Coffee 8-oz
Skin Food 1: Avocados 2:Mangos 3:Cottage Cheese 4:Almonds 5:Oysters 6:Arcerola Cherries 7:Baked Potatoes 8:Mushrooms 9:Flaxseed Oil 10:Wheat Germ
For Heart Health -A teaspoon of olive oil everyday -Eat alot of garlic - No greasy food((duh
Scorpions Glance · Mon Jan 05, 2009 @ 05:19pm · 0 Comments |