I'll bet this journal entry will be quite similar to many others that are written on this very day. sweatdrop
The roll-back, which was done to correct some errors with earning gold and trading, was done today. I logged into my account to see that I lost nearly 3,000 gold, the amount I earned during the period the roll-back was trying to correct. The mods gave 1,700 as compensation.
What an unfortunate waste.
I guess all that time I spent poll-whoring was useless. I hate illegal gold-earners.
Makes me also think...am I that greedy? Is the time that I spend on Gaia more devoted to collecting items than to having fun and making friends with people I can relate with? I suppose I can be labelled an official poll whore, item whore and market whore, since I certainly have a fixation for gold and am quite obsessed with accumulating lots of items and gold. I do give donations here and there when I feel like it to close friends, but generally, I prefer to just hoard stuff for myself.
I don't know, I suppose many other people also do the stuff that I do, but generally, being that way is a bad thing, isn't it? I'm confused.
Allerisse · Sun May 15, 2005 @ 01:02am · 1 Comments |