A lot of people have been annoying me recently...
I've noticed that a lot of Gaian's seem to be angry. Angry, in a sense that it takes so little for them to lose their tempers and get annoyed about something. It's the same thing everywhere, in the forums and in the guilds. Someone makes a little mistake, and a lot of people are there already, calling that person names and whatnot. Would it be too much just to hold your temper and kindly inform the person of his/her mistake and how to correct it?
I know it gets irritating for us oldbies whenever newbies are messing up, but they are new in the first place, and a shred of leniency must be offered to them. Just because a person is wearing flame pants it doesn't mean that he cannot learn to abide by Gaia rules and is a complete idiot.
Believe me, I'd had my fair share of beggars. I've had people who were downright rude to me, demanding me for items, when I don't even know them and don't even know how they got to contact me in the first place. But I've always been patient and tried to act politely to them, and it has paid off, I think. A little bit of kindness can go a long way. It will be so simple to just yell at a person for acting stupid, but it's all the more wothwhile if you help them. You help yourself more by helping others.
Because of this, I have decided that I will try my very best to be the nicest person that I can be. There is just so much aggravation going around, and I think I will be of better help to others if I tried to be polite, instead of going crazy and flaming everyone in sight, as seems to be the fashion for most people around here. sweatdrop
I've had all sorts of friends in this site...oldbies, newbies, people of all races and all walks of life. And I just have to point out that items do not make them better people. I was nice to these people not because they were rich, but because I genuinely like them. I don't think it is a wise choice to pick friends just because they are rich. Friendships aren't built on that.
Just thinking out loud.... neutral
Allerisse · Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 04:19am · 1 Comments |