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My Precious Diary
Just on what I think of gaiaonline.com
Roleplaying samples.

Cannon Characters:

Takashi Morinozuka: Ouran High School Host Club

Ever thought of the fact that the term 'wild' may be translated in various way? Expressed in different forms? Well, could you call this dark slightly spiky haired senior wild? If you were to enter the pleasant atmosphere of the Third Music Room, then you would understand why Takashi Morinozuka has been labeled as the wild-type host. He may be silent most of the time but one cannot deny the pleasing aura he gives out, how he is able to make one feel all lovestruck by his handsome features.

Another that enhanced this image of his is his fellow classmate, Mitsukuni Haninozuka who he tags along with, also seen by his side and treating him with much affection that warms the hearts of those who watches them. But, one must remember this, he never ever uses Hani-sempai, he will never even think of doing such a despicable thing to this dear friend. The memory of being accused of "renting" Hani sent shivers down his spine, but managed to maintain his composure as he went on in absorbing the information and the words coming from his fellow hosts.

What a day this was turning out to be, then again, practically every in this club was different, in terms of the theme, events, but what remained the same is the faces of those of the hosts he works with. Like any other day, he sauntered into the Third Music Room, with Mitsukuni skipping ahead of him as he silently entered the room. Mori just glanced around the room with little interest as he took his place with the other hosts, listening as they started talking about something called, 'lotteries'. For a moment he was slightly baffled by this. Now this perplexed him as he has heard of these contests that allowed people like Haruhi to win the jackpot and have themselves secured financially for the remaining years of their lives, but why were they, (except for the natural-type host) talking about something like this?

The next set of words soon answered this little prodding question of his and inwardly nodded as it occurred to him that it was just one of those excuses to add some excitement to the club. Shifting a bit on the spot, he just shoved his hands into the depths of his pockets and focused his attention on their conversation once more. The topic slowly reeling him in, expanding his interest with this idea of the King's. As he watches as this talk progresses on, he couldn't help but inwardly smile to himself as it was like old times that they come up with ideas just to entertain their guests and themselves although this time the new plan involved inviting the 'winners' of the lottery over to the club.

Now that was different but to no avail did it show on his face while his eyes flickered over to the small senior to just have a glimpse of his reaction. Like always, he seemed to be enthusiastic about this, eagerly waiting for more details about this and then averted his gaze to the others once more. Another thing that will never change is the dramatic speeches from Tamaki, and it never fails to amaze others that he, a second year would be the King. Scratch that, it surprised no one that he is for with his confidence and personality, he had the right to take the position and he, Mori along with the others are behind him all the way.

Sure there are times when his ideas may seem a bit too wacky but so far they all ended up with them having the time of their lives and customers with satisfactory smiles etched on their faces.

Oh wait, Kyouya was involved in this as well? His eyes were then transferred over to the 'mother' of this family of theirs but it did not shock him at all that someone like him would partake in this plan. Unless of course there are no benefits for him, but since Tamaki has just announced that Kyouya had helped him set up the lottery, it was evident that he indeed would be in charge, of the finances and such, the areas where Tamaki will surely not be able to handle. Tilting his head a bit to the side, he continued on in observing them when a girl entered.

Mori immediately took note of the presence that had graced the room and turned to find a dark clad girl standing there. So this must be one of the winners... Hold on, then this mean that the lottery has already be done with? He was too engrossed with his own thoughts so he must have missed that part. This is what being silent most of the time does to you...

More came and they all seemed rather interesting, was this because that they were all commoners like Haruhi? He silently shrugged to himself as he proceeded in watching them all talk about the arrangements and the King start going on about how he's in bliss to be blessed with the audience of new people. Now that was another thing that does not seem to be any different.

Oh, and there was Haruhi, once again being her old self and going on about how she wasn't all that conscious about her gender but it did startle him a notch when she just went ahead in confirming that she was a girl. Nothing can be done now and since that they were to join the club, they might as well know but he wonders if the other two who had stepped in will be able to handle it.


The cat fight going on, it was quite terrifying, but not enough to have him fazed or anything, but it was quite unexpected and it looks like that this will not be an easy task in having these girl feel at home. Well, one of them seems to hate the school already but then it could be just him imagining-Oops, her outburst just verified it and it was evident that the red-haired girl's disgust was just increasing each passing minute. All of this heat going on, it was getting harder for him to analyze the others new people and eventually gave up and just took his place with Mitsukuni who is as usual helping himself to the desserts. Now he begins to wonder how Kyouya is able to cope with the small senior's love for sweets and their budget...

Dr. Nii Jyeni: Saiyuki


"Where are you going?"A stern female brunette named Hwan turned to the scientist who was on his way to the door, carrying that ridiculous stuffed animals of his as usual. She had heard him shuffling to the door while going over the reports from the previous week.

The male stopped only top to look over his shoulder, a sly smirk on his lips. His eyes full of excitement. "I'm going to go on a little field trip today." he replied spontaneously and held up his pink bunny. "See? He wants to go too." Dr. Nii made the bunny nod his head in agreement, only to receive glares from his colleague, but he only laughed softly at this reaction, she has always been so predictable.

"Field trip? You're supposed to be monitoring today's experiment!" she snapped, slamming her clipboard on the table, making the wire-infested old demon stare at them with an amused smile pasted on his wrinkled face.

"That's what I'm doing, but it's another experiment of mine..." Nii replied, a knowing smile replacing the smirk on his lips and gave her a wave before proceeding to leave the lab, leaving a confused and furious female doctor along with a cackling wizened demon. "It's about time I check up on her..." he murmured to himself, a low chuckle escaping from his lips as he walked down the corridor.

--End of flashback--

"Hn? Looks like the show has already started..." Nii said, almost disappointed as he casually stepped into the barrier, only to find the ground stained with blood, treacherous vines attacking anybody in their reach and demons poised on the roofs. His glasses reflecting the little light left as night was approaching. But, he had arrived just in time, along with his dear companion, the pink bunny hanging loosely from his arm. The doctor just stood at the sidelines, loving the chaos and disorder that had befallen onto this town. Word has gotten to him that there was a festival, honoring Goddesses and a little birdie told him that they were right here somewhere. Well, more like his twisted brain kept on prodding him to come here and see for himself. Best to see it all with his own eyes.

See if there were any useful beings to manipulate...

Another little messenger has informed him of a powerful demon lurking about here, ordering humans to be sacrificed. Something you don't see too often nowadays. A whole town being slaughtered. What had greatly caught his attention was that the purpose of this was to bring a powerful deity back to life. Unfortunately, that was all the information he could get, but didn't mind having to go all the way here to learn more about it.

"Oh? My precious toy is here as well." He said, as he spotted the woman who had experimented on not too long ago. Of course, he recognized her at once, despite the changes she has made with her appearance. To be honest, it suited her and it seems that she has grown up since he last saw her. Yes, you could say that he was almost like her father as it was him who has given her this life. Sadly, it appears that she wasn't all that grateful for it, but she should be as he had given her options to go with. One of them being her to go on a journey of her own. Nii held out the bunny in front of him, tilting his head a bit to the side. "What do you think? Should we go and greet her or not?

If he did, then for sure he would receive a very interesting greeting from her, as it was no secret that she loathes him, hates him for altering her body against her will. From the corner of his eye, he spotted one of the followers of his 'beloved' mistress. How interesting. This demon was known for being insane, in more ways than one and oh! Looks like the poor priest has gotten himself all tangled up. His smile only widened, enjoying the sight of him suspended in the air by these leafy predators. Oh! What's this? "Seems like Ming has decided to join them...too bad...I was hoping that she would have returned to the castle..."

Now he wonder how she was coping up with the little 'gift' he has given her. Has she been able to use it? Did she have any difficulties? It was hard to tell, as at the moment right now, she was relying on those weapons of hers. If only she will come to her senses that what he has done to her was for the best.

An eyebrow was arched as he watched in interest as she struggles to save the monk and couldn't help but think that she has grown attached to this group. Why else would she be risking her life to save one of them? Oops, she's bleeding and in pain, it was written on her face even though she was trying her best to hide it. My, it seems that she has grown more stubborn as well. Each passing second, it only amused him even more. "Oh? He stared at the scripture on the ground. How disappointing to have it just land somewhere in his reach as nobody even struggled to get it from him. It just happened to slip away from its owner.

As he had expected, the demented demon named Kiichigo went down to pick up the prize - which he doesn't deserve. After all, it wasn't him who controlled those vines right? Even though he himself resorts to dirty tricks, he knows what not to touch. His main purpose was to witness the revival and now seeing as an old friend was here as well. The doctor might as well go and see what has changed in her.

Unlike the mastermind of this little event, blood doesn't bring joy to him. Although it is a wonderful sight to see, but you don't see this sly man constantly yearning for it do you? Toys, experiments, enlightening shows - now they were more of his interest. None of this crap on blood and gore. What's the use of killing when it only means throwing away what could have been a wonderful plaything?

His face brightened up as he notices Ming already getting warmed up in using her powers. "Looks like, it's not only the revival we'll be witnessing..." Lovely, it was time to see how much she has changed since she has left her nest.

Kanzeon Basotsu: Saiyuki

Meanwhile, the almighty Goddess of Mercy, was lost in the memories of the past. For once, not entirely paying attention to the group who are suffering right now. Although she did notice that the sealed memories of the two Sanzos were stirring in their minds, bringing them back to the time 500 years ago. Kanzeon doesn't mind at all, as it wouldn't kill them if they were to receive glimpses of their past lives. Actually it was for the best, for them to realize that it wasn't mere coincidence that both of them had fallen in love with each other. How they all ended up with each other. Why even her dragon is someone from her past life and she will be greatly surprised once she find out who.

Luckily for her, that jittery companion of hers, Jiroushin, is somewhere having a meeting with the other gods, who happen to be in fact much more snobby and obnoxious. Her mouth was tugged into a smile as she recalled how they had treated her nephew and the three long ago. Leaning back, this time she made the pond who the memories of 500 years ago. "Time to brush up on my history." With that she propped her elbow of the arm of her chair, resting the side of her head on her palm as the sealed reminiscences began to unravel before her eyes.

First up, is the goddess named Kibo, Yuki's reincarnation. Both look very alike, although Kibo had her hair down in a half-ponytail most of them time and is a little bit wavy. Whilst Yuki's is tied in a single braid but both of similar eyes. As a goddess, she was far more gentle and caring than Yuki as the priestess had somehow developed a personality with hints of bitter coldness in it after her father had died. Fortunately that had faded away after being in the company of the men and two girls. Actually it was surprisingly fast as she has been with them for three days!

Like all deities, Kibo wears silky dresses, complete with her own symbol, the sacred necklace around her neck. The long white and silky gown conveniently hugs her curves, emphasizing her figure. Actually the top has straps of a halter top. While the necklace is that in the shape of a lily with a mirror right at the center. Is held by thin chains that are tied around her neck and waist. Also wears gloves like the blacks ones except they are white.

Especially the love of the two, tied down by their vows but in one day they had come to realization of their true feelings to one another. Resulting in the rupture of covenant they had made with the temple. Forbidden love, just like ardor the two had so many years ago. Astonishing this was indeed. In fact, at that time Kibo was engaged to another man and yet she had fallen in love with her dear nephew, Konzen. Obviously this engagement with the other man was against her heart but was her obligation to go through.

Alright, this holy being has given enough spoilers to the young readers. It would be much more interesting and exciting as we watch the priestess swim through the sea of her long forgotten memories. Oh wait here! Lady Kanzeon raised an eyebrow as she peers closely at the surface of the pond, watching Yuki as she has not been pulled into a memory yet. "Two different memories awaits her, which will be the first?"

By this, she meant that there was the memory of before the young lady was brought to the temple by Koumyou Sanzo. Then there is the recollection of her past life. Doesn't matter at all on which comes first, but will she handle the truth? For both of them didn't end well, not at all. Then her attention was diverted to Sanzo's who is currently confused in the strange world he is in. Right now, he is in the company of his lover, Kibo.

"Well Konzen, isn't all of this fascinating?" asked aloud, even though he couldn't hear her. They should be thankful that she is watching over them. For the other gods would be outraged on what was happening right now as their memories aren't meant to be unsealed by them. Anyway, they wouldn't be able to do anything. Their duty is to ascertain those who have been born to live. Alas, so many has forgotten about it just like the monks have forgotten that priests and priestess, all of them are humans and living beings with a mind, soul and a heart.

Original Characters:

Mei Sumire: OHSHC - Next Generation

There standing beside her brother is their beloved grandparent, gently leaning on his beautifully-crafted cane that both of them had ordered specially for him, wearing a turtleneck sweater and a pair of warm pants as it was chilly at the moment. Etched on his wizened face is his kindness and formed on his lips is that warm smile of his, causing her to smile back as well. Both of them love him, it was him who raised them while their parents were away. She walked up to him and bowed. "We're going now, Grandfather." Mei then straightened herself, receiving a bigger smile from him, her brother bowed as well, and was about to stand straight then a hand started to rub his head, a loving gesture from the old man.

"Alright then! You two enjoy yourselves!" A hearty laugh escaped his mouth as he hugged the two, having their shoulders collide a bit painfully with each other's. Despite his age, this man is still quite strong and they have yet to learn his secret on how he could stay so healthy. Letting them go, chuckling then motioned to the door. "Come on you two, best to be off before you're late." With that, the two got in, all luggage had already been placed in the trunk. The servants waved to them, saddened by leave, even though it would only be for a while. All of them had grown attached the two, it was evident even though they never admitted it. Mei and Shoji were also aware of the bond formed between all of them, and they welcomed it.

All of them waving to the passengers in the car, they watched until they could no longer see them, only faintly then Mei relaxed, sighing as it just might be a long day ahead of them. Then noticed Shoji was already keeping himself entertained by reading some comic books. Mei just focused her attention on the passing sceneries outside, as it won't be long until they get there as it wasn't that far and it was still early so there won't be any traffic. She really wonders if they were going to enjoy themselves. Well, they won't know unless they get there. Hopefully, there will be some who is worthy of having a conversation with aside from her club mate and Shoji.

As expected, they had arrived in just a few minutes. The ride was surprisingly quiet, but she didn't bring it up as it was possible that deep down Shoji was just nervous in meeting his seniors, so just kept silent as well until the car came to a stop. The driver got out and went over to their door, opening it and said, "We're here, young masters." Both of them looked out the window, thinking at first that they were the only ones as nobody was in sight, but they piled out anyway. A chilly breeze came, tickling any skin that was exposed to the open air, but their clothes provided them with warmth.

Mei was wearing one of her favorite dresses, where the skirt stopped somewhere below her knees, legs wrapped in stockings and low-heeled boots on her feet. While Shoji was wearing a long-sleeved fitted shirt as always and a pair of black pants to go with it. She was quite fond with dresses like the one she had on, and her grandfather is fine with her for wearing these style of clothes especially since the business of their family has to do with fashion and their parents were the ones providing her with such clothes. Shoji wears stylish clothes as well, but not as much as his sister.

"Thank you." Mei said to the driver who nodded and started to take out their suitcases from the trunk while they scan their surroundings. "Where are the others?" her brother asked, inserting his hands into the pockets of his pants, confused as to why they were the only ones here. "Someone is there." she said, pointing at the figure sitting underneath a tree. It's a guy, but not her companion in the Black Magic Club. "Must be one of the members of the Host Club." Then turned to take her luggage from the driver who bowed to them, it was time for him to go and so went back to his place behind the wheel but not before smiling at them and giving a curt nod.

Once the car had vanished from their seeing range, Shoji turned to Mei and asked, "So what now?" Instead of answering right away, she picked up the handle of her stroller-style suit case, pulling it out as to reveal the rod that connects to the casing. "It's either we wait for the others or we can go on ahead. Anyway, we're not alone at the moment." she replied and started to pull her suitcase up the path. He nodded wordlessly, getting his suitcase and turned to the building. "But...it doesn't look like an ordinary spa to me..." The state of it tells it all.

Lyria Rie: Vampire Crossover

This whole event is so luxurious that she can't recall the last time she has attended a lavish event such as this. Although she vaguely remembers attending the ball of a royal family, but that was eons ago and so much has changed since then. Being surrounded by her own race has somehow made her feel at home, yes, they were her family now, all of them related to each other in some ways. Although there were occasions where she has to remind certain gentleman of their manners, for even though she didn't put much effort in dressing up, she still seems to attract the kind of attention she dislikes.

Fortunately, they know how to make it up to her by showering her with compliments and their charm, which doesn't really work on her, but it's the thought that counts. Drinking her wine, white wine this time as she decided to have something else on her tongue as not to tire herself of her desired drink, her eyes once again began to scan the crowd to find anybody else to walk up to and strike a conversation. Occasionally walking up to the exotic paintings hanging on the porcelain walls as to admire the work of these gifted artists that have long passed away.

Here and there, she has already greeted some, most of them new to her and about a handful she recognizes but were more of acquaintances to her. Why, she even encountered some men who she has met during her jobs, so it was a bit startling to see that they were of the same species as well. But, after some wine and laughter, she was forgiven for beating them up in the past and now is in good terms with each other, unless they ever have to fight with one another again. Which will surely be an interesting battle for it just might be a friendly one. Again, her hands were starting to yearn to wield her weapon, but was able to wash away this urge with the drink.

Hello there. Latched onto the wall on the other side of the ballroom, is a painting that seemed to be the most breathtaking of all and she was soon captivated by it. Walking through the throng of fellow vampires, politely asking to pass through, she soon found herself standing in front of this masterpiece. Almost forgetting where she was, that others were around her, that this is a reunion for their race and all that was in her mind is the phenomenal and yet pleasing vibes emitting from this artwork.

"Starry Night..." Lyria said softly, drinking in the colors, the textures, how the colors were blended, how it was applied to the canvas and all the other details of Van Goh's painting. From the very beginning she knew that this was one of his works, as she enjoys all of his projects. But, the fact that this painting is displayed right before her, made her wonder how the owner of this place was able to get his hands on such a magnificent painting. Lest, this is a replica of the original, but she has to say, it was well-made, and she would have to peer at it more closely to check whether it was authentic or not. Unfortunately, it would be terribly rude to handle something that was not hers and besides, she just might cause a little stir in this happy and joyous place.

Now she didn't want to spoil the fun for everyone as she herself craves for entertainment. Just her luck, that art is one of her remedies for this 'illness' of hers, except it won't last long and eventually she will have to seek for another way or person to keep herself amused. Lyria glanced over her shoulder, but so far she hasn't seen any newcomers, or maybe there are, but the numerous vampires and mortal servants made it difficult to tell.

"I can tell that you are mesmerized by Van Goh's work? I have to say, that you really have good taste my dear." said a female vampire, her face creased with the signs of old age and wisdom beyond her years.

Her lip curved into a sincere smile as she said, "Thank you madam." Soon, the older woman took over the conversation, going on about how she has been collecting paintings of famous artists, what she lacks, how difficult it has been for her to get hold of them and so on and so forth. At least she wasn't exactly alone anymore and it was very pleasant to meet another art lover such as herself.

And before she knew it, she was coaxed to dance with the men by her, and no matter how much she refused, she was pushed into the arms of a charming man and so complied. Eventually she was lost in the music along with the others, allowing herself to dance with various men. Weird, she wasn't this friendly before but what the heck, she might as well take advantage of this as for the first time in a long time, she was actually enjoying herself and this time, she didn't need her weapon to conjure up some entertainment.

In a matter of minutes, she was trapped in this spell - one that would keep her dancing and no matter who her partner is, she would accept his offer and off they go, only having eyes for each other as they danced to the orchestral music. There were even times when she would actually laugh for some were a bit new to dancing like this, but no feelings were hurt as their minds were filled only with happy thoughts. As they twirled on the marble floor, she wondered how long she can keep dancing before her feet gets sore...

Ming Yun: Saiyuki

As soon as she stepped outside, the sun glared at her, causing her to wince for she had been used to the darkness for a while and even held out a hand to shield her eyes. People were bustling around, continuing their festival. Wait, people...what happened? Weren't there dead bodies scattered around? And did the scent of blood seem fainter? How peculiar...it confused her so that she had almost forgotten about going to where Kuai was and just stood there, in the middle of the street.

In a matter of seconds, it was like time had slowed down, people were moving in slow motion around, the sounds of their happy voices were slightly muffled. Her eyelids slowly veiled her eyes halfway, her shoulders relaxed and her hold on her bag was loosened. All of a sudden, she felt a tad bit drowsy. Could it be that the events that had taken place had finally caught up with her? Ming's mind became blank as her body started to move by itself, her feet leading her to some place down the street.

Earlier she had been concerned about the others, but right now, no other thoughts crossed her mind as she slowly walked down the streets, walking past the joyful people and not even turning to the excited voice of Goku coming from somewhere amidst the crowd. Strangely enough, nobody did a double take on her appearance as she had her katanas with her and just continued on in having their fun, leaving her in what seemed to be in a dreamy state.

Her eyes were blank, empty, like that of a doll. Something was calling her, telling her to go to where it was coming from. A familiar voice...

It perplexed him that the boy would go back to normal just like that. Wasn't it a while ago that he was craving for human flesh? Kuai ignored Sanzo's acknowledgment of his size and in a flash, he was smaller and turned to see if Ming had followed the priest like she usually does. But to his surprise, she wasn't there, analyzing the situation like she usually does. This had him worried, but then he noticed the absence of the monocled man. So there is the possibility that she was looking after their brunette demon except there was this nagging feeling that it seemed out of place for her to not come and inspect the scene.

The dragon left them to go and enjoy the festival and flew out of the building, concealing himself on the way. He went high up and started to survey the place from above, scanning for the familiar woman. It didn't take long for him to pinpoint her current location, which happens to be somewhere on the middle of the streets. What was weird is that she was moving away from where the others were, in a slow manner. He tried to establish the link, but it didn't go through.

Now this was serious.

Without hesitation, he swooped down, careful as to not accidentally bump into anyone as it would cause some commotion. But then again, everybody but them were complete oblivious to the truth lingering in the atmosphere. Heck, they didn't even take note of the smell of blood or the attacks of the demons yesterday. Hovering by her side, he immediately became aware of her looking as though she was in a trance. Panic struck him and he did something very shocking, he bit her on the arm.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed, stopping in her tracks and a hand automatically went to the spot where she had felt the bite. Ming's eyes were back to their usual color and now she was aware of where she was, somewhere far from the place she was supposed to be at. Gently rubbing the spot where the pain was, she looked around but saw no one who could be close enough to inflict anything on her. Realization then set in that it was none other than her follower. "Kuai?"

"You were just about to run over a kid so I had to stop you or else." he said and perched himself on her shoulder. He didn't want to tell her what he had just witnessed, for it will only add to her list of worries. It was best that she doesn't know that this had happened to her...again..."Anyway, seems like the boy is fine now and so the others went off to take advantage of this celebration. he added, stretching his neck a bit.

Due to the heat and so many things going on, her head was a bit hazy and so did not realize that Kuai had told her a little white lie. "I see..." she murmured, a hand rubbing the side of her head a she turned around to head back to the Inn. Yes, a festival is supposed to be for one to have fun and relax but how can she just be carefree with enemies in the vicinity? And she has to make sure that Hakkai was go to recover all the way, look after Kana and have to deal with the fact that a certain scientist was looming about in town. Now she just wants to have a vacation...

From the corner of her eye, she spotted what seemed to be a promising bar and now she felt like she needed to get some wine into her system. Ming doesn't often drink, but only on certain occasions and when she is in the mood. Momentarily forgetting about the others, she made her way inside, relieved that there were only few customers and so seated herself on one of the stools in front of the counter. Ming just requested for their best wine and watched silently as her order was brought to her.

"Hey, shouldn't you get back to the others? Kuai asked, as he knew that she ought to report back to them or at least let them know where she is at the moment.

"Eventually we'll bump into them but if you want, you can be the one to deliver the message..." Ming replied through the mind link, twirling the thin-stemmed glass in her fingers, watching as the liquid swirled about. Right now, she just wanted to take a little break from everything, even for just a few minutes to forget about everything. Just this once and she will make up for the time she has spent for her own selfish reason. Although it would be nice to have a drinking companion or something as she would usually be by herself whenever she treats herself to a bottle of wine. She doesn't drink until he gets drunk, only until she felt like she has had enough.

He immediately knew that she was tired from everything, but at the same time she wasn't really requesting for solitude as he knows that she dreads that feeling of loneliness. First, he has to send word that she wasn't in danger or anything and so lifted himself from her shoulder. Kuai maneuvered his way above the crowd and went through the broken window only to be met with the presence of a complete stranger and a familiar face lying on the bed.

Other Samples:

Inside the seemingly still house, came the haunting melody of the stringed instrument called the violin, echoing down the empty hallways and rooms. Maids in the middle of their daily chores paused in the middle of their work, drinking in the lovely tune with their ears and a pleasant smile formed on their lips as they returned to their tasks. Somehow the sweet sounds of the violin had sparked some life into this lonely place, gently feeling the occupants with a soothing sensation into their chests. "It's young Lyria practicing right?" One asked the other who was polishing the wooden tables and received a nod as her answer. Shaking her head lightly, the laced headress almost slipping, she sighed. "Although it does surprise me even though she insists that she hates practicing it just seems that she-"


Both of them froze and their eyebrows arched at the realization that the lady of the house had ceased her playing. A bit of fear and confusion struck into them as for as long as they could remember, she never stops in the middle of playing a solo lest she needed to. Few seconds passed before they heard her resuming, and they noticed that she had started playing a different piece. The two maids sighed in relief and went back to what they were doing, dropping the subject of the young mistress for now. Puffing the pillows, the uniformed woman turned to her fellow co-worker. "Anyway, what's for dinner tonight?"

A few rooms down from where the two females were chatting and cleaning, is the private room of the lady they were referring to. Door only an inch open, inside she stood at the very middle of the room, violin in her hands, one end perched on her shoulder with her chin resting on the black pad made for it and the other end held with her hand. Firmly, but with some gentleness, grasped in her other hand is the bow, guiding it over the thin strings of her precious violin, producing this wondrous melody. A neutral expression on her face, she just focused on hitting the notes right, keeping her poise as she does so and let herself be lost in this sad song.

I don't know why, but I just can't tell them...
Lyria thought quietly to herself, stilling making the polished bow glide over the base of her instrument. Around her were bookshelves covering almost every inch of the wall (of course the windows and the door were exposed), filled with books of various topics and subject, but most of them were written on her interests such as astrology, gardening and Art. Settled on one end of the room is her very own desk, beautifully crafted to her liking and complete with a very comfortable chair. Scattered all over the freshly cleaned surface are open books, papers with notes and doodles and pencils, all spread out.

Earlier, she was bored and so tried to think of something to do, especially with all these book around, Lyria took them out and reread them to come up with an idea. So far, she has no luck and so gave up for the mean time. Mildly frustrated, she took her violin out as she was left with the choice of playing it. Finally, she slowly slid the bow down diagonally, coming to a finish to the piece. Her eyes fluttered opened as she lowered down the slightly heavy violin and idly scanned around her study. The violin still in her hold, she walked over to the window whose curtains were slightly parted to reveal the setting sun. A familiar feeling swelled her heart as she looked outside to the reddish orange horizon. "So pretty..." she breathed.

Forgetting about the fact that she needed to go and look for the kind butler to let him know that she was through with her practice for today, she focused her eyes on the fiery sphere, traveling over to the other side of the world at a steady and slow pace. Besides, it would be quite evident that she had finished playing for it was very quiet inside this furnished house of theirs. Lyria set down the violin on the windowsill, propped her elbows on it and rested her head on her palms, gazing intently as the sky slowly transformed from shades of red to blue. Below on the grounds outside, she could tell that there was a breeze going for the grass looked like a green sea with waves passing them, the leaves of the trees outside softly fluttering in the wind and her flowers slightly bending to this invisible force.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed, standing up sharply, almost making her violin fall but it stayed. Her hands clapped over her mouth when ti suddenly occurred to her that she had forgotten to water her garden! Panic set in as she dashed out of the room and into the hallways. Horrible thoughts of them dying raced in her mind as she sprinted down the corridors, ignoring the baffled maids poking their heads out of the room to find out the cause of the thundering footsteps. Too absorbed with the goal of running outside to quench the thirst of her beloved plants, she failed to notice the man a few feet ahead of her and so she crashed right into him.

"Oof!" Lyria had smacked herself right into the chest of the man who had been taking care of her ever since her parents had disappeared. The two stumbled to the floor, with her sprawled on top of him. She lifted her torso up by pushing against the floor (as she could not use his aged body for support) and winced as that was painful. When it dawned on her that it the dazed butler was beneath her, her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry Mr. William!" she quickly apologized, flustered and hastily removed herself from him. Lyria bent down, a hand loosely covering her mouth as she analyzed the wizened man for any injuries, and repeated her apology in a sad tone.

He let out a light chuckle as he brushed himself off and said with a warm smile, "Not too worry, it happens." Nodding reassuringly at her, William heaved himself off the ground and showed her that nothing at all was wrong with him and was free of bruises. Lyria's body straightened when he cleared his throat for ever since she was young, he did this to get her attention because she used to be easily distracted. Even now, it never fails to grab her attention and have her focus on the speaker only. Nervous, she swallowed the lump in her throat, guilty for not paying attention to where she was going. How unladylike... Words that either her mother or father would have said to her if they witnessed her being careless.

A pang of pain seared her heart at the thought of them, but she immediately tucked it away deep inside her soul. Right now, she needed to concentrate on the future and just wait for the day until they emerge from wherever they are. William however, noticed this right away for he happened to be analyzing when her eyes saddened, clearly stating what was on her mind at the moment. This time, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, jerking her away from her thoughts and look up at him. With the same kind smile plastered on his crinkled face, he said, "It wasn't your fault..." The butler was planning to say something to comfort her on her missing parents but though it best to not mention a word of it.

Lyria perked up at his words, his voice soothing just like the melody that emits from her violin whenever she plays it except it was phrased through words. Her mouth curved into a sincere smile and she nodded, "I'm glad that you're alright!" Finally, a grin replaced the smile, reaching to her eyes and a giggle rose from her throat, causing William to laugh with her as well. Easing himself as to suppress the laughs that were daring to escape from his own mouth, he sighed and clasped his hands behind his back. "So, could you tell me why you were in such a hurry?" His question at first perplexed her but triggered her memory, reminding of the current situation of her beloved flowers.

Eyes enlarged with the realization that she had forgotten all about why she was speeding down the hallways. "My garden! They're going to die! My lilies! My tulips! My-" She was cut off when William raised his hand, silencing her and she complied. Shifting uneasily on the spot, she waited as his eyebrows were furrowed, slowly processing what her words had meant. His shoulders then drooped. "My dear, weren't you told that I asked Amelia to water them for you during your practice hours?" he asked as gently as he could. At this, she was stumped and looked at him inquiringly, blinking in pure astonishment at this little news and thus confirmed his suspicion that the said woman had forgotten to let her know. "Ah, she must have been planning to let you once you are done but yes, she has seen to it that they were watered."

Relief washed over her and she sighed, fortunate enough that her garden had been showered and taken care of. Smiling sheepishly, she bowed to him, "Again I'm sorry! I guess I should have asked someone before jumping to conclusions. Oh! Maybe I should make a schedule, but then who knows what might come up?"In her worry mode, Lyria went on and on, openly telling him her ideas on how to make sure that her special place will always be in good shape and make it possible that none of them will ever forget to water it, save it from weeds, and so on and so forth. All the amused adult could do was listen to her attentively, enjoying her being so honest to, at least about most things and that was what is important to him.

In the midst of her talk, she glanced at the window and saw that the sun had fully exited to make way for the celestial orb to take over. Eager to go outside, she shifted her gaze to William who knew right away what she loved to do now. He gave her a single nod and said, "Go ahead, but just make sure that you're back in time for dinner." Lyria squealed in delight and cried happily, "Thank you! Out of pure happiness, she hugged him startling him at first but quickly regained his composure and watched as she unlatched herself from him. Full of joy, she hurriedly walked past him.

"I'll have the usual tonight please!" Lyria called over her shoulder, glancing back at him then descended down the stairs. Lyria waved at the passing servants who were in the middle of the evening tasks and pushed open the door. She was instantly welcomed by a gentle breeze, the twinkling stairs and the glowing moon. Lyria stood there on the porch, allowing the wind to caress her face and make her hair dance. "And what story do you have for me?" she asked the heavenly bodies suspended above her. Like always, an answer was given to her through signs instead of words. And the sign for tonight?

A shooting star flitting across the sky.

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