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kaxaks #16 in the organization
Here is the story of my life and everyone around it.
Life in the organization
Pt 19

Daxchi received the full impact of the blow. He flew backwards, hitting hard against the wall. He was stuck there till gravity kicked in. He slammed hard on the ground. Kaxaks shook her fist from the impact. That was a really hard punch!


Shiroi was fighting the imposter Sakka. He swung his sword at her. But since she was a heartless she dodged them by becoming a shadow. After a few swings, the heartless became a shadow and disappeared under him. Shiroi was looking everywhere for the heartless. Suddenly she comes up with her hand balled up into a fist and gave Shiroi a massive uppercut. It sent him flying upward. Shiroi though he was gonna hit the ground after that but suddenly Sakka leaps up and locked on to him. She had him in a lock he couldn’t escape. She shifted her weight so they fall faster with more force. Bam!! They hit the ground. Smoke clouded the room. Nobody could see though it. After the smoke cleared hey saw a shadowy figure rising. The heartless survived without a single scratch. But what happened to Shiroi?!

After the smoke cleared Shiroi was laying there. The impact was so hard that he couldn’t move. Luckily he hit his back instead of his head, which was vital! He winced from the pain. His body had some gravel and many dark spots from the fight. He fell limp and he couldn’t move. He looked up, taking most of his strength, and sighed. Tsubasa and Kaxaks saw the whole tragedy. Tsubasa wanted to help him but Tsubame stopped him from continuing.

Kaxaks grabbed a high potion and threw it at Shiroi. Just as about she was gonna run to his aid…Daxchi got up and threw his spear hard. The spear sliced though Kaxaks’s shoulder! The spear sliced though and hit the wall. Kaxaks stood there shocked. Her eyes widen. Blood poured out of the cut. She griped it. Her hand was tainted with blood. She stared at it. She looked down. Her hair cast a shadow over her eyes.

Daxchi: what’s the matter Kaxaks? Doesn’t that hurt? Oh right, it doesn’t. It feels empty. Doesn’t it?
Kaxaks: ……
Daxchi: I know how badly you want to feel. You want to feel joy, happiness, sadness, pain…all of those things. Without them. Life would be meaning less wouldn’t it? What’s worth living if you can’t feel. What’s the point of being loved, if you can’t love back? Face it Kaxaks! You’re a nobody…no matter how you see things…it’s the truth. A being without a heart. We’re what we are! So what if he dies. You can’t mourn over his death. You can never feel what he feels! I know you want to…but face it! You can’t!
Daxchi: so why are you resisting? Why do you care so much for them? You can never experience what they feel. You can never be one of them!
Kaxaks: You’re wrong!!! scream
Daxchi: uh- surprised
Kaxaks: you’re wrong!!!! I know I can’t feel. I can’t feel pain. Heck, all this time I was pretending that I do feel. But I know that I couldn’t. But the reason I resist, the reason I help them is…they both make me feel! I know I can never feel! But when I’m around them, I want to feel! They help me realize that…even if I can’t, doesn’t mean that I want to feel! When I was infused with Yoru, I actually felt something for once. I felt happiness, sadness…all the emotions…even love. I know Shiroi and Tsubasa care for me. It’s sad that I can’t return their love and care. Doesn’t mean I want to. And that’s what matters!!! They’re both close to me! Not only them, Ximik, Yixkium…they also make me want to feel. They’re the reason I resist! They’re the reason why I’m strong!!! They’re also the reason why I want to defeat you bastards!!!!

There was silence………….

Tsubasa stopped his fight. Shiroi overheard the speech. They both smiled. Tsubasa blushed.
Tsubasa thinking: so all this time, she wanted to be with me. All this time she wanted to love…
Tsubasa blushed. Kaxaks looked at him. She smiled. She turned over to Shiroi. Shiroi looked up and gave a weak smile. He knew that she couldn’t tend to him. So he laid his head back down. Kaxaks looked back at Daxchi. Her shoulder still bleeding from the attack. She smirked and charged at Daxchi.

Yixkium was jumping up in the air. She looked down and threw her kunai. Ximik ran around, dodging her flaming kunai.

Yixkium: damn it she’s fast!!! I’m gonna have to use another technique.

Ximik ran round jumping and running faster than the speed of light. Yixkium took her katanas and sliced the air, crescent shaped flames were coming towards Ximik. She leaped out of her way. Ximik landed perfectly on the ground.

Ximik:…is that all you can do?
Yikium: no! I’m just getting warmed up!! Mara-bankai!!!

Yikium’s katana blades were glowing red. An even darker red tint glowed around them. She charged at Ximik. She moved her swords so swiftly that you couldn’t predict where they’ll cut you!! Ximik stood her ground and tried to dodge them all. But she got sliced by one of the blades. It was her right arm. It wasn’t deep but the cut burned. Ximik grasped her arm. Yixkium backed away. She smiled confidently. Ximik looked at her with emotionless eyes. Her red eyes turned blood red…something was happening and it wasn’t good.

Yikium: wh-what’s going on? eek
Ximik: hehe…didn’t Kaxaks tell you? I’m a half-demon from the Yokai clan! twisted
Yixkium: oh really?
Ximik: I used to belong to an elite clan. We were the fastest demons at out time.
Yixkium: Huh…I guess she likes hanging around demons doesn’t she?
Ximik: question
Yikium: *smirk* you see…in my past life…I was a lonely girl…born in a pack of wolf demons! I had to fight to survive!! I remember that I was on my own. I was a lone wolf! An evil man was working with the heartless. He tried to kill a wolf tribe and me. I lost my heart to them. But I still had fire burning with me!
Ximik: I see…
Yikium: So I guess we’re both holding back!!!
Ximik: it seems so…
Yikium: fine then! *gets on all fours* then you don’t mind fighting in your true form do you?
Ximik: of course not! *she flashed a fanged smile* twisted

Ximik ran down with her katana. She jumped up and slashed the air. Her blade became a crescent shaped fire attack like Yixkium. The difference is…her fire attacks were black with a red tint. Yixkium ran on all fours like a wolf and dodged the attacks. She got up. Her appearance changed. She had yellow moon eyes, grey wolf ears and a wolf tail. She got up and took her katanas. She jumped up with enhanced power. She twirled around and slashed the air around her.
Yixkium: monsoon blades!!

Suddenly thousands of blades started falling from the sky. It was raining blades. Ximik ran around, dodging the blades. Yixkium kept slashing, Ximik kept dodging. How long will they hold out? We don’t know.

Tsubasa charged at Tsubame. Tsubame dodged all of his brother’s attacks so swiftly that you couldn’t tell that he was moving at all! Tsubasa took his staff and yelled out blizzarda. Tsubame took out his bladed staff and yelled out Firega. Both spells collided. Steam filled the room. It was impossible to see though. Tsubame took the chance and disappeared. Tsubasa looked around. He lost his brother, worried about the consequences, he ran around looking for him. Suddenly he felt a slash on his back. Tsubame hacked away at his brother. Tsubasa was injured badly. He lifted his staff. He yelled out Aireo. Whirlwinds swept across the room. Clearing the smoke. When it lifted the winds died down. You saw Tsubasa. Cuts and slashes everywhere. He bled from the wounds. They were so intense he fell to his knees. He grabbed his wounds and yelled out. Tsubame smiled at this site. Tsubasa looked up. He closed his eyes. He remembered the words his grandfather gave to him before he died.

Grandfather: go on boy! Go…go and defeat your brother. Your brother has been taken by the darkness, save him. Save us all. Live on Tsubasa…be our guardian…be…a Skyheart guardian!! Live on, to protect those you care about! Be our guardian angel.....

Tsubasa opened his eyes. He remembered that he bought a mega potion. He grabbed it from his inventory. He popped the lid opened and threw it in the air.

Tsubasa, Kaxaks and Shiroi were healed. Tsubasa’s cuts and wounds sealed. Kaxaks’s cut on her shoulder healed. And Shiroi was able to stand. He got up, shaking, trying to support himself.
(he looked like Hinata at the chuning exams after she got the vital blow from Neji.)
His back was healed but he’s far from ok. He took the high potion Kaxaks gave him and drank it. When he drank it, a healing wave rushed though him. His bruises and broken bones were instantly healed. He felt a wave of energy filling him. He looked at the imposter Sakka. He gave her a scowl and charged.

Tsubasa was moderately ok. He was still able to fight but he isn’t that far from a fatal blow either. He looked at his friends. They’re all battling their hardest. He knew that he didn’t want to put them at risk. So he sighed and ran the other way.

Tsubasa: guys, we can’t fight them. At least not now. We have to go now.
Kaxaks: but-
Shiroi: you know, for once I agree with him. We can’t put you or Yoru- Sakka in danger.
Kaxaks: me? I’m fine! It’s you guys you should be worried about! Tsubasa, you barely survived from those cuts and Shiroi, you were about to die if I wasn’t there to give you to potion!!!
Tsubasa: you’re right! That’s why we have to go.
Shiroi: right! Wait! Where’s Yoru?

The three looked around. Yoru was left out in a corner of the room in the second floor. It was still stunned from the blow. But it was able to move it’s antennae and it’s claws. All three rushed over to get her. But The fake Sakka rushed over and grabbed her. They all stopped.

Tsubame: my, my. You don’t want anything bad happening to Yoru now would we? twisted
Kaxaks: you jerk! Leave her alone! scream
Daxchi: Give her your half and we might just let her go after we use her.
Shiroi: you bastards! mad You treat her like a key or an object! Sakka is more than that, and I will not stand by and let you do that to her!!! scream
Tsubasa: Shiroi! Calm down! I’ll handle him!
Kaxaks: no! you might die!
Tsubasa: and that’s the risk I’ll take. I’ll throw my life on the line to protect you and Sakka.
Kaxaks: Tsubasa….I-I can’t let you do this!!!

Kaxaks ran up the stairs and walked before Daxchi and Tsubame.

Tsubasa: Kaxaks!! What are you doing?!!!
Kaxaks: I-I’ll do it. I’ll give her back my half.
Shiroi: *gasp*
Tsubasa: Kaxaks!! NO!! eek
Tsubame: well, well. I knew you’d give in to reason. Now…how do you suppose you’ll give it back?
Kaxaks: Give me Yoru. I’ll give back my part.
Daxchi: I don’t trust her.
Tsubame: don’t worry, she knows she can’t. Or else I’ll kill that poor boy next to my weak brother. *points his bladed staff at Shiroi*
Daxchi: ok.
Tsubame: Sakka, give her the heartless. Betray us and they’re good as dead!

Sakka/ heartless gave Kaxaks the heartless. She took Yoru and cradled it in her arms. She whispered something…suddenly a gust of wind circled her. She whispered something else and the wind blew harder. It grew and grew. Whipping around the room. It was so thick you couldn’t see a thing. The hard wind blew so hard it hurts to see. When it died down, Tsubame and Daxchi looked over the shadow before them. When the wind stopped, a log was placed before them. There was a note attached to the log. It says…

Haha losers.
By the time you read this
I escaped with yoru.
Yours truly..


Tsubame grabbed the note and crumpled it with anger.

Tsubame: Damn it!
Daxchi: See! I told you she might pull something like this!!!
Tusbame: grr! mad Both of you! Search for her! Now!!
Daxchi: humph!
Sakka/heartless: yes master!


Kaxaks, who was holding Yoru, Tsubasa and Shiroi were running down the long halls.

Tsubasa: so all this time-
Shiroi: you knew how to escape!
Kaxaks: yah! Tsubasa gave me that idea with his aireo spell.
Tsubasa: really?
Kaxaks: yah! It was all planned out. 3nodding

This is kaxaks explanation of her attack

Everything is chibi-fied including the villains.

Kaxaks narrates:
Ok, you know how Tsubasa used his aireo attack to blow away the steam right?

Suddenly there’s a chibi Tsubasa putting his staff in the air. Suddenly air circled it. Then the Chibi Tsubasa yelled out aireo in a squeaky voice.

Kaxaks: When Tsubame grabbed Yoru on that split second I figured out a plan how to fool them into thinking I’m fusing with Yoru- I mean Sakka so I can get her back.

Suddenly a chibi Kaxaks appeared. She was holding yoru in her arms.

Kaxaks: well first I whispered an aireo spell but with the help of Merlin’s magic lessons I was able to create a wind vortex!

The chibi Kaxaks whispered something and wind blew around her.

Kaxaks: now wind isn’t enough right? So I added some light and effects. I used the reflection of my blade to create a light show, then I used firea spells with blizzarda spells to crate explosions.

The chibi Kaxaks was yelling out the spells. Light flashed off her sword and explosions were being set off.

Kaxaks: and with all of those combined it was hard for the villains to see! So I leaped out the vortex and ran to you guys.

The chibi Kaxaks holds on to chibi Yoru and jumped out the vortex. She lands near the chibi-fied Tsubasa and Shiroi and grabs their hands. And rushes them out of the room.


Kaxaks: and that’s how we escaped. 3nodding
Tsubasa: wow! You even made a better escape than me!! blaugh
Shiroi: nice planning!! biggrin
Kaxaks: thank you! Oh Shiroi, here’s Sakka. *hands him Yoru*
Shiroi: oh. *takes yoru* Thank you.
Kaxaks: no problem. Now let’s go!!
Shiroi: *nods* ok!

The three friends ran and ran. They were pushing their limits. They were tired but kept going. After a few floors they were just a few more away. Suddenly the imposter Sakka comes out with a small army of heartless. Three of each kind. Three shadow heartless, dark balls, three wyverns, and three night walkers.

Tsubasa: Damn!!! mad
Kaxaks: Man! nice choice in women Shiroi. Now she’s out destroy us!!
Shiroi: Hey!! How should I know that wasn’t the real Sakka! You never told me Yoru was Sakka all this time!!
Tsubasa: guys! I’ll handle them. Get-
Kaxaks: ahem!*crosses her arms*
Tusbasa: but-
Shiroi: Hey, never mess with a girl with crossed arms. Trust me.
Tsubasa: *sigh* fine…Kaxaks, help me fight off these heartless.
Shiroi: what about me?
Tsubasa: protect Yoru at all costs.
Shiroi: right!

Tsubasa took out his staff and Kaxaks made her sword appear. The both charged at the heartless army. Kaxaks jumped and attacked the wyverns. Shiroi used his spells and attacked the dark balls.

The fake Sakka ran up to Shiroi in a flash and started attacking him with her left claw. He backed away, ducking and dodging every attack she threw at him. He wanted to fight, but knew he had to protect Yoru.

Kaxaks slashed at the shadow heartless. She killed two with one strike. But suddenly a dark ball appeared behind her and tackled her. Tsubasa ran to her aid. He helped her up and attacked the dark ball.

Shiroi ran and ran. Sakka ran on all fours and chased after him. She crept up the walls and climbed the ceiling. Shiroi looked around, he lost her. So he stopped to catch his breath. Or so he thought. Suddenly a yellow glowing eye appeared in a shadow above him. Shiroi felt like he was being watched so he started to run. Suddenly the heartless Sakka lunged out at him and slashed his shoulder with her razor sharp claw. Shiroi fell down, letting go of yoru at the fall. Yoru rolled away and slid to the middle of the fight between the heartless and his friends. Yoru was out in the open!!! Shiroi scrambled to his feet and rushed over.

Tsubasa summoned his firega spell and incinerated three shadow heartless. Kaxaks slashed one of the wyverns and charged at one of the dark balls. Shiroi was about to grab Yoru but suddenly the fake Sakka appeared behind him. She was about to strike at his heart. As if time slowed down, Shiroi slowly turned and watched in horror as he was about to receive a deadly blow to his heart!
Suddenly Yoru moves even though it was stunned! It rushed to Shiroi’s aid! The fake sakka was about to pierce his chest when Yoru ran in the middle of the attack and receive the full impact! Shiroi watched in horror as the heartless ran it’s claw though Yoru’s body!
Shiroi: SAKKA!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! eek

His scream echoed though out the room. Tsubasa and Kaxaks killed off the last of the heartless. As soon as they herd him scream they looked out in horror. The fake sakka was also surprised! She let go of Yoru and jumped back. She looked at Shiroi. He looked at Yoru in grief. Somehow, something happened inside it. The fake Sakka fell back. It screamed as it began to transform back to it’s original shape…a shadow heartless! The heartless looked at the wounded yoru, then it disappeared.

Shiroi kneeled before Yoru. He looked at Yoru’s gaping hole cut. It twitched a little bit. Shiroi started to cry.

Shiroi: no! Yoru no! please don’t die on me! No! cry
He started shaking uncontrollably. He picked up Yoru’s body and held it close to him.
Shiroi: I’m sorry! I’m sorry I caused you this! Please wake up! Please!!!
Kaxaks was about to say something but Tsubasa stopped her.
Shiroi: I- I’m sorry Yoru. I mean Sakka. Sakka. Please come back! Please!! Sakka can you hear me?! Come back! Please! I don’t want you to go! Please. All this time I wanted to tell you…I love you sakka! Please come back! Sakka please! SAKKA!!!!!!

Suddenly Yoru started to glow. Shiroi couldn’t help but be a little scared. Both Kaxaks and Tsubasa were amazed. Yoru began to levitate. Yoru was surrounded by a white light, it was so blinding you can barely see. Strong winds entered the room and spun around. Yoru spins as it begins to change! It grew larger and larger. It started to morph into a human! It’s claws became hands, its hind paws became legs and feet. It’s face started to form into a girl’s face! (it was the same process with the fake Sakka but only this time it was Yoru and it was surrounded by light instead of darkness) Shiroi looked out on shock! Could it be?

After the light died down and the wind disappeared, Yoru was gone, and instead a girl was floating in the air. She descended down onto Shiroi’s arms. He looked in shock. A girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Could it be? It is! It was Sakka!!!

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 19, 2007 @ 02:08am
Bwahaha~! I am commenting you at your own house~ xd lol, I can't wait for Tsubame and Ximik in the next chapter~! whee

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 19, 2007 @ 06:40am
Oh yeah, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter~! ^^ I look forward to more, especially Ximik, Tsubame, and Kaxaks's part~. :]

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