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kaxaks #16 in the organization
Here is the story of my life and everyone around it.
Life in the organization
Pt 20

Author’s note: yay!!! I finally did it! I wrote up to 20 pages worth of great stories! Wooh! But that doesn’t mean the story’s going to be over. Oh no! there’s still more to come!!! Anyway, enjoy the rest of the chappie!!! ^^

Shiroi, Kaxaks, and Tsubasa were in shock! Yoru changed back!!! Sakka’s back!!! She’s really back! But how? All they know is that this time it was the real deal. This was truly Sakka.

Tsubasa: I-it’s really her!
Shiroi: uh-
Kaxaks: is she….
Shiroi: It’s sakka!! biggrin *he smiled*
Tsubasa: she is, but how? How did Yoru- I mean Sakka find her heart or the light.
Kaxaks: wait…I remember I read a passage in a book….I think when Shiroi called out to her, he became her light.
Tsubasa: so Shiroi brought her back!
Kaxaks: she’s back from the darkness. Shiroi was her light all this time....ugh!
Kaxaks falls to her knees.
Tsubasa: Kaxaks!! eek *runs to her aid*
Kaxaks: ugh!
Tsubasa: Kaxaks! Are you ok?
Kaxaks: yah…I- my power…I can’t feel it but somehow it’s…It’s like I’m being drained….
Tsubasa: oh no! If Sakka is here…good thing she isn’t awake yet. Kaxaks…I think you’re…Sakka’s taking back her half. So that’s why you’re feeling weak.
Kaxaks: I-I can’t believe it…How long do I have?
Shiroi: what? What’s going on? Kaxaks, what’s the matter?
Kaxaks: ….
Tsubasa: Shiroi…Sakka isn’t completely whole. She’s in a state where the heart forms the person they once were. Sakka was the heartless who’s heart was taken by darkness, Kaxaks is the empty body….she’s the nobody. They’re two parts of the person they were. If somehow the heartless finds it’s heart…it changes to the form it was before it became a heartless. But for them to be truly whole, their nobody has to give them back the body for the heart. Unfortunately….Kaxaks has to give back her body for Sakka..
Shiroi: ….no…this can’t be..
Kaxaks: Shiroi… know how much you care for Sakka….so I’ll just-
Shiroi: no! scream
Tsubasa: huh?
Kaxaks: uh-
Shiroi: no...Why, why do we have to lose some one every time we deal with this kingdom hearts. First I lost Sakka…now I’m losing you Kaxaks. My best friend…Damn it!!! mad cry
Kaxaks: Shiroi….
Tsubasa: but what about Sakka?
Shiroi: I-I can’t choose ok! I love Sakka, but it would be cruel to take Kaxaks’s life!
Kaxaks: but that’s just it.
Shiroi: huh?
Kaxaks: I don’t truly exist.
Shiroi: uh-
Kaxaks: I know what you’re trying to say- but listen to the truth! It can’t be helped. No matter how you look at it, it will still be there! I’m a nobody Shiroi! I’m not even human like you. I can never feel like you…but I know that I want to. I want to feel for the first time and I have, now it’s time to give back Sakka her half. I’m sorry Shiroi…
Shiroi: damn! Damn! Damn! Dammit!!! Why, why does it have to be this way!!
Tsubasa: …..
Voice: yes…it’s sad when you have to face the bitter truth!

Tsubasa quickly turned around. There was Tsubame who looked very pleased at their depressed state.

Tsubame: now hand over the girl!
Tsubasa: Tsubame! you’ll never get your hands on her!!!
Shiroi: besides, Sakka isn’t whole, so tough luck jerk.
Tsubame: hmm…yes, but it’s a matter of time before Kaxaks grows really weak. Right now she may be fooling you into thinking it’s not serious, but it is…once she’s weakened she has no choice but to merge with Sakka, and I’ll soon have the last key to Kingdom hearts!!!
Shiroi: Damn it! Why us!
Kaxaks: huh?
Tsubasa: Shiroi….I know this is bad and-
Shiroi: I know! But why us…why was Sakka born a princess of heart…why does something go wrong when something good happens to us! Now I can’t bring Sakka back because I don’t want Kaxaks to… I don’t want her to die!
Kaxaks: …d-do you really mean that?
Shiroi: yes. You two were there for me. Kaxaks, you even betrayed your organization for me.
Kaxaks: *gives a weak smile*
Shiroi: And Tsubasa- I’m sorry I reacted like that before. I understand now why you did it. I want Sakka to come back, but if it means keeping you from engulfing the worlds in darkness…then I swear that Sakka will never be whole!
Kaxaks: Shiroi!
Shiroi: no Kaxaks. I know Sakka, and if she were here, she would want me to do what I’m doing now. I know she’s strong! Don’t worry!
Tsubame: how touching…too bad that she will be coming back either way! Whether she wants to or not! Because time is running out…and Kaxaks will grow weaker and weaker. She either has a choice by giving back her life to Sakka, or I take it myself!
Tsubasa: you wouldn’t!
Tsubame: dear brother, haven’t you realized that I’m now the wielder of darkness. I have not use for weaknesses like emotions!
Tsubasa: Grr! If you hurt Kaxaks I swear I will kill you and send you to the depths of hell myself!
Tsubame: well, well…someone is getting angry. I’ve never seen this side of you Tsubasa! I’m impressed!
Tsubasa: Because, unlike you, I chose to enhance my emotions so that I may grow stronger when I protect the one I must protect! Not draw out your weapon and fight!

Tsubasa grabbed his staff and charged and Tsubame. Tsubame smiled at his brother’s anger. Never has he seen him so determined to save a life. But he knew that he had to get rid of him to get to the girl. So he drew out his bladed staff and charged at Tsubasa.


Ximik stopped in the middle of the room. She was cut and slashed everywhere. She was out of breath, and needed some time to rest. Yixkium was also tired. Many blades were sticking up on the ground. She was also wounded from Ximik’s flash step. Both of them were wounded and needed time to rest.

Yixkium: *pant* why are you *gasp* helping them? *wheeze* what thing can you *pant* get out of this?
Ximik: …….I’m helping a friend in need…
Yixkium: uh- *sighs* Kaxaks….


Kaxaks was sitting on top of the organization roof top. Yixkium warped in. She saw Kaxaks stare out into the moonlight. She crept up behind her. She wanted to catch her off guard.
Kaxaks: I know you’re there Yixkium.
Yixkium: ooh! How do you always know I’m here.
Kaxaks was still talking, she didn’t even bother to turn around.
Kaxaks: It’s because you’re too noisy.
Yixkium: man you have very good hearing!
Kaxaks: of course, I always have to be alert when there are pocky thieves around!
Yixkium: hey, I wasn’t gonna steal your pocky this time!
Kaxaks: *turns around* oh really?
Yixkium: ….man you got me!
Kaxaks: hahaha. Yah. So how do you like the organization so far?
Yixkium: well…it was cool. I even discovered my power!
Kaxaks: oh really? Cool! So what is it?!
Yixkium: it’s fire!
Kaxaks: fire….oh…
Yixkium: what’s wrong?
Kaxaks: *smiles* biggrin nothing. Just day dreamed for a second there!
Yixkium: what’s your power?
Kaxkas: huh? Oh…I have the power of the moon and the lunar shadow. Or darkness if you prefer. So…did you chose a name?
Yixkium: no. not yet. I need an idea. What’s your name?
Kaxaks: I’m Kaxaks. #16- the lunar shadow.
Yixkium: aww. That’s an awesome name!
Kaxaks: don’t worry. You’ll think of something! I just know it!
Yixkium: thanks for showing me around.
Kaxaks: that’s what friends are for! ^^
Yixkoum: uh-
Kaxaks: what?
Yixkium: well…I never had friends before in my past life… so this is new for me.
Kaxaks: oh. Lucky, at least you remember your past life. I can’t for some reason. It’s like I don’t know who I am. But hey, we’re both different and we should stick together right?
Yixkium: right!

End of flash back

Yixkium looked up into the sky and smiled. She realized that she’d pre-judge Kaxaks and never gave her a chance to explain the situation. She knew that Kaxaks couldn’t feel but she thought about what she has done. If she had a heart she would’ve felt horrible. So she gets up and looks at Ximik.

Yixkium: I forfeit this battle. I won’t chase Kaxaks anymore. I learned what it means on being a true friend. So…*sigh* go on. I’ll leave.
Ximik stares at her. Her eyes gleamed dark red, like it meant that she doesn’t want the fight to end.
Ximik: I’m afraid I can’t allow you to do that.
Yixkium: what? What do you mean? I’m giving up. I don’t want to hurt my best friend.
Ximik: *chuckles slightly* is that it?
Yixkium: what? What are you talking about?
Ximik: have you forgotten who we are? We’re nobodies. We have no emotions, no feelings. So how can you hurt someone If they can not feel?
Yixkium: wh-what? I though you were-
Ximik: I was indeed Kaxaks friend….but that was the past.
Yixkium: wait….that means-
Ximik: I’ve changed after the incident that occurred after the battle with Sora. I became a wanderer. I traveled to different worlds, searching for a purpose. Searching for a reason to keep living. After I lost my senpai Saix…he told me to keep living. To stay alive for him. That was his final wish, and so I accepted it. Kaxaks also changed. She became too comfortable with people who have hearts. It’s as if she had a heart. But the truth is she doesn’t. Now she’s putting her life on the line for two boys she barely knows! She was their enemy! And now she betrayed you, she betrayed me for them!
Yixkium: but if you hate her, why are you fighting me?!
Ximik: I don’t hate her. I think what happened in the past is the past! She could never let go of the past for some reason. She always cherished her memories at the organization because she could never recover her past memories. But the reason I’m fighting you is…it’s because my new boss told me to eliminate all the new organization members.
Yixkium: *gasp* Damn! Who commanded you to do that!
Ximik: *smiles evilly* your boss…
Ximik swung her katana. Poor Yixkium couldn’t dodge the attack. The katana flew and stabbed her in the back! Yixkium fell. A pool of blood flowed from her body. Ximik walked up slowly to her. Yixkium was still alive but barely.
Yixkium: Damn! *she said weakly* I-I got to…warn…Kaxaks…
Ximik: 7th member eliminated. Time to get the last two. Then I’ll deal with Kaxaks myself.
Ximik grabbed her Katana and pulled it out of Yixkium’s back. Yixkium yelled. Ximik’s blade was covered in blood. She swiped it with her finger and inspected it. She smiled at her work and licked the blood of her fingers. She walked off with her katana by her side. Yixkium looked up. She started the cry. With her tears she looked down and whispered….
…..I’m sorry…”


Tsubasa swung his staff. Tsubame blocked him off. Tsubasa somehow was moving faster and hitting harder than before. Tsubame was surprised by his brother’s fighting stance. It’s as if he intended to kill him. But he wouldn’t let that stop him. Tsubame fought back. He swing his staff in many different directions. But somehow Tsubasa was able to block them all with his guard break. Tsubame got irritated. So he swing his staff vertically at Tsubasa. Tsubasa counted blocked by holding his staff out horizontally. But Tsubame had a surprise. He quickly switched his staff to the end with the skull. He jabbed the Skull to his brother’s head. Tsubasa fell back.

Tsubame: Hahahah! You always did fall for that old trick Tsubasa!
Tsubasa: *gets up and rubs his forehead* Damn it Tsubame!
Kaxaks: Tsubasa!! Ugh! *she grips herself* Damn!
Shiroi: what do we do now?
Kaxaks: *sigh* We have to take Sakka to another room away from here. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Tsubasa can handle his brother on his own. We have to take Sakka out of here! Understand!
Shiroi: but wait, but how?
Kaxaks: you carry her, I’ll escort you out. If there’s a wall in our path I’ll knock it down!
Shiroi: seriously?
Kaxaks: …..no I was- ah, I don’t feel like bring sarcastic now. Let’s go!
Shiroi: uh- ok! *kneels down and picks up Sakka bridal style*

Kaxaks took out her sword and runs out, with Shiroi behind her. Tsubame wasn’t about to let them leave but now it’s Tsubasa’s turn to stop his brother. Tsubasa took out his staff and pointed it at his brother.
Tsubasa: You will not take another step! If you want the girl you have to kill me!
Tsubame: hehehe!! Hahahaha!! What a fool you are! If that is your wish then I’ll end your life here and now!

Tsubame swings his staff. Tsubasa blocks him and charges in. They were both intertwined in a prolong battle. Neither one of them will leave until the other one dies.
Kaxaks and Shiroi ran down the long hallways. Suddenly many heartless started coming out. Kaxaks ran up and held her hand high. Black lighting escaped her hand. It shocked the heartless and some of them disappeared. She knew that she had to protect Shiroi and Sakka at all costs. She ran around Shiroi and charged the heartless near them. She swung her sword gracefully. She slashed all the heartless that charged at her. She couldn’t keep this up forever. Her power was draining and she had to find shelter fast! She grabbed Shiroi’s collar and picked him up. Shiroi was confused and shocked but he didn’t have time to question her. He held on to Sakka, embracing her so she could be safe. Kaxaks held Shiroi by her shoulder and started to run. Even though her strength was weakening she was still able to run fast and have her super strength at hand.
Tsubasa charged at Tsubame and swung his staff vertically. Tsubame dodged the attack. Tsubasa’s staff hit the ground. The ground started to crack due to the attack. Tsubame swung his staff down at Tsubasa’s legs trying to trip him. Tsubasa jumped over the attack and kicked Tsubame on the chest. He fell back and hit the wall. Tsubasa raised his staff and pointed it at Tsubame. His crystal blue orb started glowing red.
Tsubasa: this is the end for you!
Tsubame: hehehe…Hahahaha! lol twisted *he smiled evilly* You though that was my true strength? Hahahaha! I will kill you an I will get the girl! You can not stop me! Nobody will!!!

Tsubame stood up. He was surrounded in very dark aura. His red eye glowed blood red and his black eye became all black (you know the white part around the eye, well it’s all black now. It’s really creepy) His dark aura increased every second! It was so powerful that it swirled around him. The cement ground broke into pieces! Loose objects swirled around him. Tsubasa was shocked at the sight. He walked back. Tsubame started to speak. His voice became dark and demonic!
Tsubame: what’s the matter dear brother? Aren’t you excited to see me at my near greatest power?!
Tsubasa: you…you’re not my brother!!! You’re a monster!! And I swear I’ll send you to hell where you belong!
Tsubame: hehehe…Hahaha! Kill me if you dare! But I doubt you will! Once I transform into my true form!

Tsubame’s dark aura increased! It spun wildly around the room! The power of the impact was so powerful it knocked Tsubasa back to the wall. Tsubame went on all fours. Suddenly he was engulfed by dark flames. Tsubasa watched in shock on the evil force that overcame his brother. When the flames died down, Tsubame was gone. Instead a beast so gruesome that it even made Tsubasa horrified. The beast resembled a lion from hell. But the beast also looked like a heartless. Whatever it was, it was pure evil…
Kaxaks ran and ran. After a while she began running slowly. Her strength was depleting, but she had to take Shiroi and Sakka somewhere safe! Suddenly she passed by the hall of melodies. She looked back, no heartless! Perfect! She ran in and placed Shiroi on the ground. Shiroi looked around. He saw the different tomb stones of the past organization. He read each epitaph. He looked at Kaxaks. She was breathing heavily and she could barely stand. He knew that there wasn’t much time left till all of her energy is drained away. And she used most of it to get away! He felt bad. So he placed Sakka before and empty tombstone and sat down beside her.
Shiroi: Kaxaks! You have to rest! You’re using too much of your energy!
Kaxaks: *pant* I had to *cough* bring you *cough, cough, cough!*
Shiroi: Kaxaks!! *rushes to her side*
Kaxaks: *coughs in her throat* I’m fine!
Shiroi: Kaxaks….I- thank you for saving us.
Kaxaks: It’s the least I can do….
Shiroi: yah…so is this a cemetery?
Kaxaks: huh. Oh yes! Theses are the original organization members.
Shiroi: so were they the bad guys?
Kaxaks: no…well it depends on how you look at us…we were the original members. Organization 13. We were a group of nobodies that had a goal. We wanted to feel whole again. We wanted to feel. We wanted hearts. Xemnas my former leader told us that we may get out hearts if we opened the door to kingdom hearts. I wanted to feel so badly. I guess I didn’t know what I was doing to others…I selfishly did my goals and hurt others in my way.
Shiroi: no….you risked your life to save us!
Kaxaks: but-
Shiroi: no buts, got it!
Kaxaks: hmm…oh no!
Shiroi: what?
Kaxaks: I-not only am I’m losing strength but my memories…they’re disappearing…
Shiroi: are you sure?
Kaxaks: yes…I can’t remember the organization members. I-I can’t remember my missions…I’m guessing that Sakka will have my memories from now on.
Shiroi: but when Sakka does come back…what will happen to you, to Sakka…will she ever be the same?
Kaxaks: I don’t know. But I do know that Sakka will be back and she’ll have a great hero waiting by her side.
Shiroi: Kaxaks….


The heartless lion charged at Tsubasa. He dodged the attack. But the lion extended his right claw and scratched his back. Tsubasa yelled out in pain! He fell back. He felt his wounds…they were deep. One more hit like that and he’s dead! Tsubasa held out his staff and was about to yell curga but the heartless roared and shock waves emanated out of his mouth. The shock waves sent his staff flying and so did Tsubasa. He hit the wall with his back. He yelled louder because the pain was unbearable! He hit the floor with a thud. His health was low! He had to think of something quick!

Kaxaks, Shiroi and Sakka waited in the hall of melodies. Sakka laid before a grave marker next to Shiroi . Shiroi watched in concern as he saw Kaxaks getting weaker and weaker. She was breathing hard and she could barely stand. Shiroi helped at times when she forgot something important. He doesn’t know how long she’ll last till all of her memories and strength are gone.
Shiroi: Kaxaks…just hang in there!
Kaxaks: I-I’m trying. Damn it! I keep forgetting important things!!! I can’t remember who were my friends. I’m forgetting about you, Tsubasa…and that girl…
Shiroi: you mean Sakka?
Kaxaks: yes! Oh man! But I have to hang on to my memories!!! They’re the only things that are precious to me!
Shiroi: why?
Kaxaks: because…unlike other organization members I can’t remember my past. Sakka’s memories were supposed to be mine. But because she was strong she was able to keep most of her memories. I felt incomplete. But most nobodies are incomplete…hehe.
Kaxaks: don’t worry. I’m Sakka’s other! I can take care of myself!
Shiroi: yah. *sigh* why do you have to go while Sakka comes back. I want to be with Sakka. I want her by my side forever. I know that Tsubasa wants to be your guardian.
Kaxaks: huh?
Shiroi: even though he would never admit it, he loves you and he would even give up his life for you.
Kaxaks: I know. I’ve noticed. You know…if I had a heart…he would be the only person I would fall for. If I had a heart…I would’ve fallen in love with him. I know I want to but I can’t…So I’m planning to say goodbye when my time comes. I can’t keep resisting forever.
Shiroi: uh- *sigh* you’re right. Why should we even kid ourselves?
Kaxaks: but when I give Sakka back her body I won’t disappear forever. I’ll live on inside her. Because I am Sakka. I’m just part of her.
Kaxaks suddenly gasped. Heartless were surrounding them. The heartless came by the swarm! Shiroi was about to stand but Kaxaks stopped him.
Shiroi: Kaxaks! You can’t fight them all by yourself!
Kaxaks: I know I can’t! but you forgot…I’m a nobody! And for the past week I sent out my nobodies to spy on you guys or take out my heartless that are trying to get us.
Shiroi: oh to take out heartless and…spy on us?!
Kaxaks: hehe. I didn’t trust you at first! But forget that!
Shiroi: wait, you have your own nobodies?
Kaxaks: yah! Every organization member can summon their own nobodies. After all there are a variety of dusks out there. And they’re all different, just like heartless. Ok my nobodies, come out!

Suddenly a pack of silver nobodies came. They all looked like wolves except that their tail was thin with a blade at the end and they had no ears. There were at least about 20 of them that came.
Kaxaks: ok you guys! Get rid of these heartless! Now!
The nobodies obeyed her and attack the heartless. Many heartless were being wiped out but they weren’t giving up that easily! Shiroi couldn’t believe how strong she was to summon them at her state. Shiroi stood close to Sakka, keeping her safe.

Tsubasa was being battered out by the monster that consumed Tsubame. He could barely dodge the attack, let alone attack back! He had to think of something fast or he’s done for. Tsubasa thought and thought. He had no choice but to use his right eye. He opened his right eye and closed his left…

Wind started forming around his feet. Suddenly power surged around him. The winds grew stronger and feathers started appearing. His hair whipped around. The feathers twirled around and stuck onto his back. His wings began to form. Tsubasa started to glow a bright white. His white eye began to change. The white pupil became a pale blue and his scar was slowly disappearing. Tusbasa screamed out with power. The wind stopped! Tsubasa spread out his newly formed wings. His clothes changed. They resemble the clothes of angels. His staff also changed. It became longer and white. The blue orb became lighter. He looked like an angel after the transformation.
Tsubasa: guardian angle form 1!

The dark heartless demon growled in hatred. His paws were covered in dark energy and ran to Tsubasa. He threw his claw out at him. But as soon as he was about to hit Tsubasa, he his a holy barrier! The barrier threw him back wards! He stood up and shook it off. The monster growled in anger. Tsubasa walked out of the barrier. He jumped up and took flight.
Tsubasa: I’m sorry it had to come to this dear brother…but I can’t let you leave here!

Tsubasa flew towards the heartless and summoned a white orb. He threw the orb at the heartless. It had quite an effect on him because the demon started growling and whining in pain. Tsubasa flew around him and attacked some more. He was determined to stop him. So he threw his staff up. He held out his hand. A white orb spun around his hand. (it was a bit similar like the chidori except it was white and it was created from light not chakra.) He had to finish him here and now! He folded his wings and dived towards the fallen Heartless. He was getting closer and closer. This is it! After this blow Tsubame will die!

Suddenly a black katana flew out towards Tsubasa! Tsubasa didn’t expected the attack but it was already too late!!! It pierced his right wing and scratched his back! He began spinning out of control and missed Tsubame! Instead he hit the wall and feel though three different floor levels.


Shiroi was finishing killing off the last of the heartless. Kaxaks laid beside Sakka, breathing heavily. It wasn’t long before she would disappear. All of the nobodies killed off the heartless. Non of them were left!

Suddenly the ceiling broke and Tsubasa fell though!!! He landed hard on the ground! He spat out blood as he landed! He was too injured to even move!

Shiroi and Kaxaks watched in shock seeing poor Tsubasa fall like that! Kaxaks rushed over to Tsubasa. But this time Shiroi stopped her.
Kaxaks: Tsubasa!
Shiroi: Kaxaks! Stop it! He’s…..
Kaxaks: no…NO! He can’t be!

After the dust cleared there laid Tsubasa. He wasn’t moving but he was still breathing. He was still alive! Kaxaks smiled! He’s alive!

Suddenly the heartless lion came in the room. He looked at Tsubasa’s body. He chuckled evilly.

Monster: hehe…Hahahaha!!! lol You fool. twisted You really thought you could defeat me! *raises his paw* one more strike and it should finish you!!!

He raised his paw, his nails grew into a threatening weapon! He swung his paw down with full force!! This is the end for Tsubasa…Shiroi thought. Suddenly blood squirted out.

Shiroi saw in shock! Kaxaks stood there with her blade blocking the heartless’s attack. His paw bled but he was still pushing. Kaxaks was trying so hard to push back but her strength was almost used up!

Shiroi: k-Kaxaks!!!
Kaxaks: ugh! Damn it!! I knew Tsubasa couldn’t handle it without me! He’s always weak without me! *she grinned*
Shiroi stared at her in shock. He looked at Kaxaks but then an image of Sakka over shadowed her. She said the same words she used to say. But then the flashback soon ended when the heartless pushed down further!

Shiroi: Kaxaks! No!
Kaxaks: I- I have to! I don’t have that much to live so…*her blade started to crack* it would be better for Tsubasa to live on!
Shiroi: KAXAKS! NO!!!
Kaxaks: He’s a guardian! Sakka needs his protection! *her blade cracks even more!* Besides, I can’t hold out forever! *her blade was so cracked that even a few more pounds and it will surely brake! * So I better give Sakka back what she needs. Just…promise me to keep her safe ok!
Shiroi: NOOOOO!

Suddenly Kaxaks’s blade cracks into a million pieces! They all scattered violently though out the whole room. The heartless plunged down his dark nails! one of his nails pierced though Kaxkas’s chest!! The screen became black and flashed white. Then you see Shiroi, Tsubasa and the heartless looking at the scene in total shock! Kaxaks was also shocked, her eyes grew smaller and her mouth grew wider! She was hit by the death blow!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Aug 27, 2007 @ 05:53am
Excellent chapter so far! Whoo~ I can't wait to see what happens next!! whee

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