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kaxaks #16 in the organization
Here is the story of my life and everyone around it.
Life in the organization
Pt 21

Kaxaks staggered back. Her blood poured all over the floor. Shiroi and Tsubasa watched in shock as Kaxaks falls back.
Shiroi: NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! eek

Suddenly Kaxaks and Sakka’s ’s pendant starts glowing. It’s light was faint, but it began to grow…
Everyone watched in awe as the light grew. The heatless drew back. It was the pure essence of darkness itself, so seeing the light weakened it. The heartless roared and roared but the light didn’t go away. The heartless weakened and grew smaller. The darkness escaped from him till there was nothing more than a big black flame. When the flame died down there appeared Tsubame.

Tsuabme: *he said softly* dammit! mad That beast was too weak! I must achieve ultimate darkness.

Tsubame falls to his knees. The transformation took most of his strength. His breathing became heavier. He looked at Kaxaks’s body. She laid there…still as a statue. He may have lost the battle but he gained something important. Which was enough for him.

Tsubasa: K-Kaxaks! No!

Tsubasa couldn’t get up. His injuries were too great! He looked at his brother. He was also too weak to attack. Suddenly Daxchi appears. Shiroi grabbed his sword. He was ready to attack. But Daxchi didn’t attack. Instead he came over to Tsubame and helped him up.

Tsubame: Daxchi? What are you doing?
Daxchi: Tsubame! There are other intruders in the castle!
Tsubame: what?!
Daxchi: It’s the key!
Tsubame: Dammit! He’s here! mad
Daxchi: I can’t fight him alone! The organization members are gone!
Tsubame:….I’ll take care of him personally! *gets up* Go and get the machine running!
Daxchi: But what about them?!
Tsubame: …..hehe…They can’t leave. Kaxaks is dead and so is my brother. All I have to do now is get the girl.
Daxchi: …..yes sir.
Tsubame: let’s go!

The both of them warped out of the room. Shiroi was shocked! Both Kaxaks and Tsubasa are on the ground! He ran to them. Just then he remembered! He has one high potion with him! But who to give it to?

Shiroi: Tsubasa….Kaxaks…please.. cry please tell me your alive!
-No response-
Shiroi: Kaxaks! Tsubasa!!! Answer me!!
Tsubasa: Sh-Shiroi.
Shiroi: Tsubasa! You’re alive!
Tusbasa: how’s Kaxaks?
Shiroi: uh-*holds back tears* she’s…
Kaxaks: don’t…

Shiroi and Tsubasa turned around! Kaxaks Spoke!!! She’s alive! She’s alive!!!

Shiroi: Kaxaks! You’re alive! xd
Kaxaks: I…told you….don’t…count me…out……yet! *she said weakly*
Shiroi: here Kaxaks, take the potion!
Kaxaks: No!
Shiroi: wh-what?! Kaxaks, you have to take it!
Kaxaks: No! I made up my mind!….I was gonna die either way….give the potion to Tsubasa….now!
Shiroi: uh-
Kaxaks: I wish I could cross my arms. Then you know I’m serious. Now do it please!
Shiroi: uh…right! *nods*

Shiroi ran over to the beaten Tsubasa. His angelic form wore off. He’s now his old self but badly beaten. Shiroi sat by his side and lifted Tsubasa’s head. He popped open the potion and gave it to Tsubasa to drink. As soon as the potion entered his mouth his strength came back. His cracked bones and bruises healed. As soon as he drank all the potion he jumped up. Shiroi who was surprised jumped back. Tsubasa rushed over to Kaxaks’s side.

Tsubasa: Kaxkas! Kaxaks!!!
Kaxaks: Tsubasa….I’m so glad you’re here. I….I didn’t think I would be able to say goodbye to you.
Tsubasa: Kaxaks….no!
Kaxaks: Tsubasa…you of all people should know it’s for the best.
Tsubasa: I know! But- Kaxaks….I don’t want you to leave!
Kaxaks smiled. But there was something different about her smile. This time her smile was so warm…it’s as if it was a real smile. Tsubasa was surprised but smiled back.
Kaxaks: I wish I could feel…then I would…know how to tell you….
Tsubasa: uh-
Kaxaks: if I had a heart…I would’ve fell in love with you. And I would smile every day when I see your face….I would fell the warmth of love and kindness. I would return your kindness and love.
Tsubasa: Kaxaks….I-I love you too.
Kaxaks: yah…but it would never work out. But if I wasn’t a nobody, and you weren’t a guardian…maybe…just maybe…we…..
Tsubasa: Kaxaks…Kaxaks? Kaxkas!!!
Shiroi: no…
Kaxaks: uhh…please…bring me near Sakka.
Tsubasa: sure…

Tsubasa squatted down and picked her up bridal style. He carried her and laid her down near Sakka. Kaxaks looked at her and smiled.

Kaxaks: Sakka…I finally got to meet the real you. You’re lucky. You have two good guys to wake up to…I hope you appreciate your memories and emotions…

Suddenly Kaxaks is becoming transparent. Tsubasa and Shiroi watched in saddness to see her go. Kaxaks looked at them.

Kaxaks: don’t worry you guys…I’ll still remember you…I may be gone, but I won’t be forgotten, same as you. I’ll live on in your hearts…won’t I?
Tsubasa: I’ll never forget you…Kaxaks.
Shiroi: *starts to cry* cry dammit! Good bye Kaxaks…

Kaxaks looked back at Sakka. She held her hand and sighed. Kaxaks started to disappear more and more. But unlike the other organization members, her essence floated up in the air in the form of stars. Bit by bit her body slowly disintegrated. She looked at the boys one last time and smiled. A single tear was about to come down her cheek but she soon disappeared.

Tsubasa: Kaxaks…
Shiroi: ……

Suddenly the star lights surrounded Sakka’s body. The lights glittered and shined. They all fell down one by one and sank into her body. Her body color was restored, she glowed for a while but then the glow stop. Just then a single tear came down from her closed eye. It shined as it flowed down her cheek. She started to move! Shiroi and Tsubasa were startled. But they came in closer because of their suspense. Sakka fluttered her eyes open. Here eyes shined from the light. She slowly gets up. Shiroi was speechless. After all this time…he was finally reunited with Sakka! And this time it was for real!

Sakka: Sh-Shiroi.
Shiroi: Sakka….
Shiroi: Sakka….*starts to cry* cry Dammit!
Sakka: *smiles* I can’t believe you!
Shiroi: huh?
Sakka: I’ve only been gone for a few months and already you’re falling apart! Told you that you couldn’t handle it on your own! *she smiles* blaugh
Shiroi: uh…*sighs* I’m just glad you’re safe.
Sakka: Of course I am! Hey Shiroi…you look different somehow…
Shiroi: oh, don’t you remember? You-
Tsubasa shakes his head. He didn’t want Sakka to know. Shiroi just sighed.
Sakka: what’s wrong…and who’s he?
Shiroi: oh. He’s Tsubasa…he’s…
Sakka: wait…I feel weird…
Tsubasa: Tell me Sakka…what do you feel?
Sakka: I-I’m having these strange images pass my mind…..
Shiroi: Sakka….
Tsubasa: I’m guessing those are Kaxaks’s memories.
Sakka: Kaxaks….
Shiroi: yes. She was your nobody. You see, you became a heartless and-
Sakka: heartless…*gasp* I was a heartless! Oh my gosh! eek
Shiroi: huh?
Sakka: *hugs Shiroi*. Shiroi! I’m so sorry! I broke your promise!!!
Shiroi: No you didn’t! Sakka, you’re back and that’s all that matters!
Sakka: I…I didn’t know what was going on at the time. I felt like I was falling…deeper and deeper into the darkness. But then I heard your voice!!! I was searching all over for you in the darkness!
Shiroi: *gasps softly*
Sakka: I…I forgot you! The deeper I fell in the darkness the more I forgot! And the first person I forgot was you! I remember hearing your voice…I was wandering and wandering in the dark trying to find your voice! It seemed like an eternity that I was searching for you…but then I heard another voice…it was a girl’s. She was reading some kind of story and I fell the light for a second! I saw the light! But then the light was gone…but somehow I was able to talk to her. She was nice.
Tsubasa: so you two did almost fuse back there!
Sakka: yes…I feel weird. It’s like I want to experience every feeling I have! I want to feel happy, but sad too. I want to feel anger, forgiveness, joy and sorrow. But most of all I want to feel…love.
Shiroi: uh-
Sakka: I don’t know why but I want to hug you both.
Tsubasa: oh Kaxaks….

Sakka gets up. They all got in a circle and gave each other a hug.

Shiroi: we have to get out of here!
Tsubasa: but we don’t know the way.
Sakka: wait! I remember…I know this castle! It feels so familiar…
Tsubasa: Kaxaks’s memories…
Sakka: The exit’s just below. We have to get to Shiroi’s gummi ship and get out of her before Tsubame gets us!
Shiroi: woah! How do you know that?!
Sakka: I don’t know really….It’s like I have new memories…. I know what’s going on now! So let’s go! *runs off*
Shiroi: Sakka! Wait! We just found you! I don’t want to lose you again! *runs after*
Sakka: See. I told yah you couldn’t last without me! Let’s go before Tsubame finds us!

Tsubasa stands there. He notices something shining on the ground. He went over and picked it up. It was Kaxaks’s pendant. He sighed sadly. He silently mourned over the loss of Kaxaks. He looks at the two rethinian warriors and smiled slightly. He knew that Kaxaks wasn’t truly gone. She still lives on in Sakka. He just has to accept that. He shook his head and ran of with the rest.


Tsubame sat on the cold stone floor of the wrecked computer room. Daxchi was handing him potions till his strength returned.

Tsuabme: Damn him! I should’ve stayed and finished that girl off! mad
Daxchi: you have other things to worry about! The key wielder is on to you and he’s here now! You barely survived that battle with him. After all you rushed in after you almost died by your own brother’s hand!
Tsubame: We need to keep everyone busy until I can finally unlock Kingdom hearts!
Daxchi: I know but that brat wiped out most of the organization members!
Tsubame: ……..not all of them.
Daxchi: what? Are there some still alive?
Tsubame: yes…and It’s you.
Daxchi: wh-what?! eek
Tsuabme: That key blade wielder didn’t kill most of them. My agent did.
Daxchi: w-what do you mean?
Tsubame: I’m finished with you! You served your purpose! It’s time for you to die!

Daxchi jumped back. Suddenly a dark silhouetted figure appeared behind him and stabbed him in the back. Blood spilled everywhere! Daxchi fell on the ground. He disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Tsubame looked at the accomplice with satisfaction. The figure steped in. It was Ximik!

Tsubame: Thank you Ximik.
Ximik: It was no problem really! He was easy to kill! *takes her blood stained blade and licked it* hmm. His blood taste weak.
Tsubame: hmm. If I had my hear I would’ve been glad that I hired you. Remember how I found you?
Ximik: I remember perfectly sir.

Flash Back
At the ruins of the organization head quarters.

Ximik looks at the barren wasteland. She sighed. She walked though the rubble.

Ximik: I can’t believe that kid! He destroyed everything! I’ll make him pay! I swear!

She walked some more and looked around. She looked back at the ground and kicked some stones. They rolled away from her, leaving a trail of dust….the stones rolled until they hit a pillar. Suddenly a black bird flew in and perched itself on a dead tree. It’s red beaming eyes watched Ximik.

Ximik stopped. She felt like she was being watched. She turns around. She sees the black bird. She huffs then leaves. She stops by a lying pillar and sat on it. She took off her organization member cloak and folded it neatly. She had her red shirt on and black pants. She sat next to her old organization cloak and looked up at the skies.

Ximik: Senpai…

Suddenly the black bird jumped off the branch and flew around her. Ximik watched the bird fly around her.

Ximik: stupid bird…
Voice: really? I think that It’s telling you something…..

Ximik quickly gets up. She takes out her katana to prepare for a fight. She looks around. No one! That couldn’t be…could it?

Ximik looks at the bird. It flew on top of a broken angel statue. The bird cawed a few times. Ximik griped her katana. Who know who might it be, but she won’t take a chance at it. The bird stretched it’s wings. Dark energy emanated from it’s body. The bird started to deform. The bird grew and it’s feathers started falling off! It’s wings became hands and it’s bird feet became legs. His head was covered by the dark feathers that flew around. As soon as the transformation was over, the bird was gone. Instead there was a man standing before her. He had onyx colored hair and a set of different colored eyes. One black, one red. He wore red and black armor. And what resembles to be a Skyheart clan uniform only black.

Ximik: who are you?
Man: my name is Tsubame……
Ximik: what are you doing here?!
Tsubame: I’m not here to fight! I came here because I was interested in you.
Ximik: *points katana towards him* Back off you pervert!
Tsubame: ….*slightly chuckles* Not that way. I’m interested in your darkness.
Ximik: ….what do you want from me?
Tsubame: your services.
Ximik: *takes back her sword and sheaths it* If you think I’ll work for the likes of you then forget it! *walks away*
Tsubame: I’ve heard what happened to your organization…sad isn’t it? Everyone died fighting the key blade master. Even your boss Xemnas…heh. Serves him right. He was way too weak to even handle the power of darkness!

Suddenly Ximik appeared behind him with katana closed to his throat.

Ximik: Don’t you ever call Xemnas weak! Got it!
Tsubame: …I see that you’re still loyal to him. Ximik…you’ve been a wanderer for so long…wishing for a purpose for your existence.

Ximik loosens her grip of her katana. She looks down.

Tsubame: Ximik! I’m willing to make you an offer…join me to unlocking kingdom hearts! We’ll do what your boss wanted all along. He wanted kingdom hearts. And that’s what we could do. If you respect his wishes, you would go after his dream. Don’t let his death be wasted!
Ximik loosens even more of her grip but then quickly re-gains it.
Ximik: heh. You think I’ll go for it just like that? How can I trust you?
Tsubame: It doesn’t matter if you don’t. If you want. I’ll give you 5 days to decide.
Ximik: …..
Tsuabme: You want a heart don’t you? Well you can! I promise…that when we unlock Kingdom hearts I’ll find your heart myself. So you can feel once again.
Ximik: ….I’m not interested in having a heart. I’m just here because I want to fulfill my sensei’s wishes.
Tsubame: …I can see with my eye your true darkness. You would be a great help to me.
Ximik: and if I refuse?
Tsubame: …..then you’ll face the consequences. Remember. Meet me here my the dead oak in 5 days…that’s plenty enough for you to figure out. Until then…goodbye!

Tsubame jumps to the dead oak tree. He held out his hand…a dark hole appeared in front of him. He steps in and disappears.

Ximik: who was he? …..Five days to decide…what to choose?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 05:23am
Just remember, don't make my character act so emotional. ;D And I loved this chapter~! It ended with moi~! Bravo~ ^^

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