Harry hates Snape. Hate=love.
Snape hates Harry. Hate=love.
Harry suddenly forgives Snape of 7 years of hatred in Deathly Harrows, and Snape becomes 'the bravest man Harry had ever known'. Bit of change of opinion there.
They both have black hair
Maybe Harry likes much older men with greasy hair
Harry is not in love with Ginny
Reasons against:
Snape has greasy hair
Snape is old enough to be his father. Literally. His actual father was in the same year.
They don't look cute together
Harry loves Draco
Snape is straight
Snape loves Harry's mother
Snape was willing to let Harry die as a baby
Snape tried to fail Harry in the 3rd year
Snape is Harry's teacher
It's just an icky couple
There are much better couples to support in Harry Potter
There is no evidence at all that Harry likes Snape and vice versa.
So as this couple is disgusting:
Icky couples don't get pictures
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