Since today was a little stressful, I have falled to come up with a continued idea for the story. I should have one tomorrow.
Any way, I'm planing on using a made up military naming system. So I figured I would outline it, so you have an idea what I'm talking about.
A unit is made up of 4-5 members:
Leader- good at basics in most areas, sometimes has an expertise, is very good at getting people motivated, and follow orders, and is good under pressure
Tactician- able to stay calm and cool no matter what the situation, knows their unit members' skills, knows their opponents, has at least a basic knowledge of all weapons and possible weapons used by opponents, and is able to quickly translate all of this information into a battle plan and inform the unit members, and is able to give them play by play instructions during battle
Communication- Able to carry all the communication equipment, knows how to make a communicator out of spare and broken parts, and is able to update headquarters, base and the team of any changes
Tank- Expert in combat, can use any weapon given to them, and is able to keep the attention of the opponent for long durations of time.
Tracker- expert at finding idems, places, and people, and must be able to get his unit back to base, (most units do not have a tracker, as people talented enough in this skill are rare, and thus sent as escourts to the high class. in a few cases the leader and tactician are skilled enough at tracking)
A gang is made up of 7-9 units and is lead by a captain. The captain is aided by an assisant.
Captain- keeps track of the progress and gives battlefield orders, must be able to rely orders from headquarters to troops in a format that the troops understand, and be a sufficant leader (most teachers at the academy are captains)
Assisant- is a communicator, and assists the captainl with everything
A tribe is made up of 7-10 gangs and general
General- an experenced leader, has a decent track record as a captain, and is a decent tactican. (although some political games are played)
There are about four tribes. The tribes report to the army prince.
The army prince may or may not be an actual prince of the nation. The king assigns the duty as he sees fit.
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YukiHana no kitsune
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