I must take everyday one at a time and must realize that it is not me that is causing all of this that is happening. Yet, it is I who chooses to dwell in it. Instead of doing that, I must linger off into the shadows and the comfort of my own room and create. I must release all of these feelings upon paper and create masterpieces that i may come back to one day and look and just stare. Stare into the art and find the meaning behind it and feel the pain that once flowed through me, that way that the pain is trapped inside the art and out of me. So i may not feel this way again. Pain, heartache, torture, torment and tears all flow through my veins and have boiled into a massive stew of hatred towards those who have brought this upon me. Yet, they will recieve reprimand in their own ways and i am not the one to judge, for i am no one to judge. All sins can and will be forgiven for those who ask for forgiveness and those who lack the capacity or heart to understand that they have comitted one. Again, though i am not one to judge and that task has been deemed to the higher power, for i am nothing but a grain of amongst the sandy shores of the beach.
However, right now i must stand alone in order to bandage my wounds and heal for i am in really bad shape right now...
Katsura1031 · Thu Jun 09, 2005 @ 09:40pm · 0 Comments |