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The life and times of Kenshin hemorea
Chapter 3

Kenshin was fast asleep on the couch but was then awoken by someone calling his name. Kenshin opened his eyes and after a few secants he relised that Ryan was calling him, so Kenshin got up from the couch and went into Ryan’s room and there he was standing up in his crib all full of energy.
“Hey lil bro.” Kenshin said as he walked over to Ryan and looked carefully looked at his cheek. It was still swollen but it went down a lot from when kenshin had put him to bed.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah a lot better.” Ryan said smiling.
“Good.” Kenshin said with a smile and lifted Ryan out of his crib, and taking to the changing table.
Kenshin changed Ryan and put him in a t-shirt and shorts and then lifted him up so he was sitting on the table.
“Big brother.”
“Yes” Said Kenshin with a puzzled look.
“Thanks for taking care of those bullies for me.” Ryan said with a big smile on his face hugging Kenshin.
“It’s no problem, I will always protect you, no body messes with my lil bro and gets away with it.” Kenshin said as he picked Ryan up and took him to the living room and sat down on the couch with Ryan on his lap.
“I feel so safe when I’m with you big bro, your always there for me.” Ryan said smiling.
“It’s no problem Ryan, there’s something I want you to know.”
Ryan game kenshin a puzzled look.
“No matter what happens I will always be here and I will always help you in anyway I can.”
Ryan smiled at that and just then they heard a car pull up in the drive way.
“What they can’t be home already?” Kenshin glanced over at the clock which read 7:30pm.
“Wow.” Kenshin said slightly stunned.
“How long were we asleep?”
There parents walked in the door and saw the two boys together and there mom just smiled know what everything went ok. Ryan got off of kenshin’s knee and ran over to hug there mom and Kenshin did the same.
“So how did it go today.” Said there mom as she hugged the two boys.
“It was fine we just hung out all day.” Said Kenshin
“Kenshin took really good care of me mommy.” Ryan said with a big smile
“That’s great, but what happened to your face?” said there mom as she picked up Ryan and looked at his cheek.
“Some bullies beat me up mommy.
“Bullies, what happened?”
“I took Ryan to the park today and he was having the time of his life, but then some kids came up and started teasing him. I watched this happen because Ryan needs to learn how to fight his own battles because I’m not always going to be there to defend him, but the next thing I know they stopped teasing and started punching him and that’s when I stepped in and took care of them.”
“You did, how?” asked there father.
“Well I pulled them off of Ryan, cheeked to see he wasn’t bleeding or anything mayor and then I gave the two boys black eyes to teach them that you don’t pick on little kids and you certainly don’t pick on my little brother.”
“Well I’m not happy that you beat them up, but I am happy that you protected Ryan.” Said their mother.
Well other then that what did you guys do today.?” Asked their father.
“I taught Ryan how to play go and we watched TV together, that’s really all that happened.” Said kenshin.
“Well that’s good.” Said mom
“Now come to the kitchen there’s something we need to talk about.” Said dad.
All of them walked into the kitchen and Ryan said in Kenshin’s lap.
“we have good news and bad news for you boys, what do you want to hear first?” Said dad.
Kenshin and Ryan looked at each other for a minute.
“Good news.” Said Kenshin finally.
“The good news it that we are about to have a lot of extra money soon.” Said dad.
Ryan and kenshin looked at each other and smiled for a minute and then composed themselves.
“Ok so what’s the bad news?” Asked Ryan.
“Your mom and I have to leave to go on a business trip for a month.” Said dad
Kenshin and Ryan’s mouths dropped wide open and they looked at each other.
“A whole month, but why?” Asked Kenshin.
“We don’t really know but they said that we will be doing business with some very big clients for the company.
Ryan just sat there with his eyes wide open and then ran to his mom crying. Mom picked him up and hugged him.
“You can’t go for a month mommy.” Sobbed Ryan.
“Aw honey we don’t want to go, but we have to we’re the only ones that can take this trip and if we don’t go there’s a chance we could loose our jobs.” Said mom while cuddling Ryan in her arms.
“So what’s going to happen to us?” Asked Kenshin.
“You 2 are going to stay here.” Said dad
“Kenshin you will be in charge and take care of Ryan. Life will be just as it is now except we won’t be here.”
“I see and how am I going to pay for food and things like that?” Asked Kenshin
“With this.” Said dad and when into his wallet and pulled out a credit card.
“You are to use this only as needed to play for things like food and gas, you got that?”
Kenshin nodded and took the card from his father.
“So how is this going to work exactly, Ryan gets out of school before I do.” Said Kenshin
“Don’t worry about that, we’ve talked to your grand parents and they have agreed to pick up Ryan from school and then you can drive to their house when you get out of school to pick him up.” Said dad.
“Ok, so I guess that leaves one question when is it going to happen? When are you leaving?” Asked Kenshin.
“So what’s going to happen to us?” Asked Kenshin.
“You 2 are going to stay here.” Said dad
“Kenshin you will be in charge and take care of Ryan. Life will be just as it is now except we won’t be here.”
“I see and how am I going to pay for food and things like that?” Asked Kenshin
“With this.” Said dad and when into his wallet and pulled out a credit card.
“You are to use this only as needed to play for things like food and gas, you got that?”
Kenshin nodded and took the card from his father.
“So how is this going to work exactly, Ryan gets out of school before I do.” Said Kenshin
“Don’t worry about that, we’ve talked to your grand parents and they have agreed to pick up Ryan from school and then you can drive to their house when you get out of school to pick him up.” Said dad.
“Ok, so I guess that leaves one question when is it going to happen? When are you leaving?” Asked Kenshin.
“In 1 week.” Said mom.
“1 week!” Said Ryan crying even harder
“Sweetie you need to be strong. Mommy and daddy will miss you very much, but it’s ok because you’ll have Kenshin to look after you.” Said mom hugging Ryan.
Ryan dried his eyes and looked over at Kenshin and smiled. Kenshin smiled back.
“It’ll be ok lil bro, I’ll look after you and we’ll have a lot of fun.” Said Kenshin
This made Ryan jump off of his mom and run to hug Kenshin.
“Well I guess that’s it, I know you 2 will be ok and if anything happens just call your grand parents.” Said dad.
This boys nodded and then Kenshin picked up Ryan and took him to his room. This was a real treat for Ryan because Kenshin never let him in his room. Kenshin sat on the bed and sat Ryan next to him.
“A whole month with out mom and dad wow. Said Kenshin with a smile and looked at his brother.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun.”
Ryan was still a little sad that his parents would be gone for a month but he knew that Kenshin wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him and he smiled.
“Big brother can I ask you something?” Said Ryan.
“Sure lil bro what’s on your mind?:
“I’m still kind of scared about mommy and daddy leaving for so long, can I sleep in you room tonight?”
Kenshin smiled and hugged Ryan.
“Yes you can, anything to make my lil bro feel better.”
“Ryan jumped in Kenshin and gave him a big hug.
“Thanks big brother.” Ryan said smiling.
“no problem now lets get ready for bed I can see you getting tired.”
Ryan nodded and kenshin took Ryan back to his room and changed him and dressed him in a sleeper and told Ryan to grab a stuffed animal to sleep with and Kenshin wheeled Ryan’s crib into his room.
One that was done Kenshin went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of warm milk, he put Ryan in his crib and gave him the bottle and read him his favorite bedtime story good night moon but before kenshin could finish the story Ryan was fast asleep.
Kenshin smile and took the bottle from him, tucked him in and said goodnight then Kenshin crawled into his bed and fell asleep.

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