so yeah. thanksgiving break went by WAY too fast.
like, i woke up today and thought, "holy crap. i have school tomorrow" D:
i liked having a week off. t'was nice.
but yeah, i didn't do a whole lot.
i cleaned up my room, watched spider-man 1 & 2, watched elf, went to work with my mom, caught up on heroes, played some kirby & yoshi on my ds, shopped a bit, finished up some pixel stuff, started to work on a new layout for my site, & helped around the house ('cause we had the family thanksgiving over at our house XD).
so yeah. that's it D:
having thanksgiving over at our tiny house wasn't so bad. except the mash potatoes & gravy almost exploded XD how we managed to cram 6 or so adults in the living room is beyond me. but yeah, i had a good time. one of my cousins, who hardly ever talks & looks/seems older than what she really is, was talkitive this time. so that was cool. 'cause, from what i remember, the last time i saw her, our conversations mostly consisted of..well...not a whole lot XD BUT YEAH. she likes invader zim. lol.
OMG. i love my mom's work. even though i was there on a day where hardly anyone was there, i still loved it. i could so work in an office & file s**t. i wanna go back XD
oh yeah. i finally hooked up my dad's old lcd monitor to my computer. i loves it. a lot. though i will miss my old one. i mean, i've had it for...i dunno, 7 years? XD
UGH. i don't want to go to school tomorrow. like, i really, really, REALLY, don't want to go. i'm so sick of it. i want to get out of there. i'm on the verge of hating it. & i've never hated school before. the people up there suck, the faculty sucks. it just sucks.
like. omg. i'm so pissed about this. ok, my school, you have to wear uniforms. that's ok, i have no problem with that. they've always been super lenient about the skirts. like, at first, they had to be one hand's width above your knee. no problem, i've got short stubby legs, so that works for me. they changed it this year, so that there wasn't really a set length. 'cause there are a lot of girls up there that have super long legs & the skirts just didn't really work like that XD SO, as you can imagine, some *cough*most* of the girls took advantage of this & decided to wear their skirts super short, & look more like whores than they usually do. SO. we get a nice letter from the faculty, saying that they're changing the length of the skirts. so now, the ******** skirts have to touch our knees. BULLSHIT, YES? i mean, just change it back to the way it was. there's no need to make us wear ******** dresses. UGH. we have to have our "wardrobe needs" taken care of by Jan. 8th. i'm wearing my skirts until then, & then i'm going to wear nothing but pants.
what i really want to do, is go up there & ware a skirt that goes down to my ankles. i wanna know if they'll b***h about them being too long. i think that's a better way to protest this than my first idea.
which was to start a bonfire with the letters that they gave us in the school.
yeah, that's right. IN the school.
they've done a lot of stupid s**t. but this is just ridiculous.
the skirts that we have to wear, you can only buy them at one place (how convinient, right?), and they're expensive as hell. like, 40$ a pop. i'm not going to spend 80$+ on skirts that i'm going to wear until may, and then get rid of.
aw. my kitten is sleeping on my desk. <3
so yeah. i got my rant out.
well, i didn't get to hang out with any of my friends over break. which bothers me a bit. i'll talk to them about it tomorrow. & yeah, i think i might straight out ask them if they just don't want to hang out with me. i'll start out with the "what did you do over breaK?" thing, & go from there.
out of town & such, i understand. but yeah, if i hear s**t like, "we all went to the movies & had a kick a** time! LOL" then i'll harp on them. yeah, that's a horible thing to "plan" out about my friends, but i get sick of this.
i swear, i've had the worst luck with friends. i really don't want to go through this s**t, again. & it would be worse, this time, 'cause it's not just one person. it's 3. :[
ugh. i've given myself a headache. i've been thinking about this crap too much D:
so yeah, i'm going to go to bed. later.